Where to start

Alcohol and other drugs use is a major cause of illness, injury and death in Australia.  Most people don't experience problematic alcohol or other drugs use issues. But for others, using alcohol and other drugs can cause problems with their health, relationships, finances, work and study, and the law.

This is why it's important to understand the effects, what you can do to reduce harm and how to find help.

Getting AOD help card

How to get help

Find out how to access voluntary alcohol and other drugs treatment and support, including support for families.

AOD Your rights card

Your rights and support

Find information about alcohol and other drugs use including age restrictions and limits for drinking or serving alcohol, drink and drug driving and support.

Queensland's approach to alcohol and other drugs

Queensland adopts a harm minimisation approach to prevent and reduce problems associated with alcohol and other drugs use. A harm minimisation approach focuses on demand reduction, supply reduction and harm reduction.

The Queensland Government works in partnership with the Commonwealth Government, private and non-government organisations to ensure Queenslanders can access a comprehensive range of alcohol and other drug harm reduction, treatment and rehabilitation services to meet their needs.

In addition to alcohol and other drugs services delivered by Queensland Health and funded non-government organisations, the Queensland Government funds and delivers a range of supports and programs through housing, education, employment, disability and other social, justice and community agencies.

Find out more about programs and services