Participants of the Resilient Homes Fund

Registrations of interest for the Resilient Homes Fund closed on 30 July 2023.

Note, participants of the Fund cannot transfer their registration to someone else or to another property. When you sell your home, your registration will be withdrawn.

Participating in the Resilient Homes Fund

As a registered participant you have met all of the following:

You're the homeowner/landlord, or an authorised party acting on behalf of the owner of the home (tenants cannot apply)
Your home is within one of the 39 affected local government areas
Your home is a residence
The building envelope was inundated by water as a result of an eligible flooding event.

You registered your interest to participate in the Fund before 30 July 2023.

There are additional eligibility requirements for some of the sub-programs, review the specific eligibility for the Home Raising program and the demolish and rebuild or relocate program.

The Fund is closed to new registrations of interest.

Factors affecting your ongoing eligibility

Thinking of selling your home?

To be eligible for funding, all building works and payments need to be finalised with the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) before your settlement date.

You cannot transfer your registration to another person or property.

When the settlement of your home sale occurs, your registration will be withdrawn.

Homeowners who are registered in the Fund and still own the property, are eligible to apply for funding through QRIDA. Grant applications can be submitted until 1 December 2025. Your builder must have completed all work and been paid by 30 June 2026.

If you sell your home before funding is fully drawn, you will no longer be eligible for grant funding under the Resilient Homes Fund. Insurance

Funding is available to both insured and uninsured homeowners.

If you have a home insurance policy that includes inundation by flood water, you will need to finalise a claim through your insurer before applying for funding. You must provide proof of your insurer accepting or rejecting your claim as part of the application process.

The Fund will only pay for works that are not covered by your insurance.

However, if your insurer has covered the full cost of your repairs, you may still be eligible for funding if the insurance repair is ‘like for like' (it does not improve the flood resilience of your home). In that circumstance, you can apply for funding to complete additional retrofit works under the Resilient Retrofit program.


Funding is available to both insured and uninsured homeowners.

If you have a home insurance policy that includes inundation by flood water, you will need to finalise a claim through your insurer before applying for funding. You must provide proof of your insurer accepting or rejecting your claim as part of the application process.

The Fund will only pay for works that are not covered by your insurance.

However, if your insurer has covered the full cost of your repairs, you may still be eligible for funding if the insurance repair is ‘like for like' (it does not improve the flood resilience of your home). In that circumstance, you can apply for funding to complete additional retrofit works under the Resilient Retrofit program.

Income and assets

Participation in the fund is not income or asset tested. If you are in genuine hardship, you can apply to have the co-contribution requirements waived for works above the threshold amounts ($50,000 for Resilient Retrofit and $150,000 for Home Raising).

Completed works

You may be eligible to apply for reimbursement of eligible completed resilience works. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Other grants

Applying for other government grants does not affect your eligibility to apply for funding. However, the fund will only pay for works that are not covered by another grants.

Multiple homes on the property

If there is more than one home on the property (e.g. a home and granny flat), you can make an application for both homes, however, the thresholds are shared.

Example: Homes 1 and 2 are eligible homes on the same property. The cost of repairing both homes is $100,000. The base repair or retrofit funding available for works to both homes is $50,000. The owner would make a co-contribution of $25,000 and the fund would pay the remaining $25,000.

Note that this does not apply to an eligible manufactured home that is located in a residential park under a site agreement.