I need Resilient Homes Fund help

How program expansions might affect you

Apply for funding through a program that’s not in the Home Assessment Report

With the expanded home raise eligibility criteria, you may be able to apply for a program that wasn’t listed in your Home Assessment Report.

Read about how the changes affect the Home Raising program and the Resilient Retrofit program.

Phone (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2 to schedule a one-on-one phone or Microsoft Teams appointment with the Resilient Homes Fund (RHF) team so that we can guide you through your options and how to progress, based on your specific circumstances.

Re-activate your registration or application for funding

If you registered before 30 July 2023 and would like to re-activate your registration and participate in the RHF, please phone the team on (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2.

If you are not sure of your next steps or if you are eligible for programs other than what's listed in your Home Assessment Report, please phone the team on (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2. We can discuss how to progress through the stages and can also set up a one-on-one appointment if your enquiry is more complex.

If you have enquiries relating to your funding application with QRIDA, contact them via their online portal. You can also notify them in writing by email or mail.

Email: RHAS@qrida.qld.gov.au

Postal address

Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
GPO Box 211

Please include the program name (Resilient Homes Fund) and your Client ID number which you will find on the letter you received from QRIDA.

Withdraw an appeal and continue your application

Let us know that you would like to withdraw your appeal by emailing resilienthomes@epw.qld.gov.au.

Depending on where you’re up to in the process, consider the step-by-step process guide for your next step or phone (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2 to schedule a one-on-one phone or Microsoft Teams appointment with us so that we can guide you through your options and how to progress, based on your specific circumstances.

Change your funding application

How you make changes to your funding application will depend on where you are up to in the process. For specific advice based on your circumstances, phone (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2 to schedule a one-on-one phone or Microsoft Teams appointment with us.

Generally, though, if you want to change:

  • who’s doing the work, the scope of work being done or the costs of the eligible work you’ve applied for, read how to make changes to your submitted QRIDA application on the apply for funding page.
  • the program through which you’ve applied for funding for any reason, including the upcoming program expansion changes, it will depend on where you are up to in the application process. If you have:
    • submitted quotes to QRIDA, email QRIDA via RHAS@qrida.qld.gov.au notifying your intention to withdraw your current application to pursue funding through another program*.
    • signed a contract but your builder hasn’t started work, review the terms and conditions of your contract for any penalties for not proceeding with the work. Then, email QRIDA via RHAS@qrida.qld.gov.au notifying your intention to withdraw your current application to pursue funding through another program*.
    • if your builder has started resilience work funded by the RHF, you are not able to apply for additional funding to raise your home or relocate an area of your home. Under the fund guidelines, homeowners can only apply for funding under one program and, given your works are underway, you are unable to change to another program.

* Note: if you want to change programs because of the new legislation, you will need to receive confirmation from the Resilient Homes team that you are eligible before contacting QRIDA. Phone (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2 to talk with the team.

Scenario-based examples to help you understand your funding options

To help you understand your options, consider this scenario-based summary:

  • I want to repair and improve my home’s flood resilience. Apply for up to $50,000 (plus a co-contribution) through the Resilient Retrofit program.
  • I want to move services essential to liveability (e.g. air-conditioning units or power outlets). Apply for up to $50,000 (plus a co-contribution) through the Resilient Retrofit program.
  • My habitable floor level is currently below the assessed floor level and the 2021-2022 flood event level. I want to raise my home to be at or above whichever flood level is higher. Apply for up to $150,000 (plus a co-contribution) through the Home Raising program.
  • My habitable floor level is currently below the assessed floor level and the 2021-2022 flood event level. I cannot raise my home. I need to demolish and rebuild or relocate the home, or the habitable area of the home to at or above whichever flood level is higher. Apply for up to $150,000 (no co-contribution available) through the demolish, rebuild or relocate option under the Home Raising program.
  • My habitable floor level is currently below either the assessed floor level or the 2021-2022 flood event level. I want to raise my home to be at or above whichever flood level is highest. Apply for up to $150,000 (no co-contribution available) through the Home Raising program.
  • My habitable floor level is currently below either the assessed floor level or the 2021-2022 flood event level. I cannot raise my home. I need to demolish and rebuild or relocate the home, or the habitable area of the home to at or above whichever flood level is higher. Apply for up to $150,000 (no co-contribution available) through the demolish, rebuild or relocate option under the Home Raising program.
  • I want to raise (or demolish and relocate) a non-habitable area (e.g. storage room) in my home. Apply for up to $50,000 (no co-contribution available) through the Resilient Retrofit program.


Find a licensed contractor

Use the QBCC Resilient Homes Fund contractor register to find a licensed contractor near you. We recommend searching by region and type of work.

Speak to an expert

Phone (07) 3007 4485 and select option 2 to schedule a one-on-one phone or Microsoft Teams appointment with a member of the RHF team.