Demolish and rebuild or relocate

Depending on the type of damage your home sustained, you may be eligible for funding to demolish and rebuild or relocate your home, or a part of your home, above the assessed flood level and 2021-2022 flood event level.

If you are interested in this option, email the Resilient Homes Fund team at and we will undertake a separate assessment of your home. This option will not be listed in your Home Assessment Report.

We advise against building in (or enclosing) the lower level of raised homes in areas prone to flooding. Learn more about raising your home.


Single-storey demolition, rebuild and raise

The existing single-storey home has been demolished (knocked down) and rebuilt on stilts. This raises the habitable area above the assessed flood level (which is the higher of the two flood levels) and does not enclose the lower level.

Single storey demolition

Single-storey demolition of habitable area and rebuild as extension

The existing habitable area below the assessed flood level is demolished and rebuilt above the 2021-2022 flood event level (which is the higher of the two flood levels) as an extension to the home. The demolished area is not enclosed or converted into a new habitable area.

Single storey demolition extend

Single-storey demolition of non-habitable area and rebuild as extension

The existing non-habitable area (e.g. laundry) is below the 2021-2022 flood event level. This homeowner can apply for funds to demolish the existing laundry and rebuild it via an extension above the 2021-2022 flood event level. The demolished area is not enclosed or converted to a new non-habitable area.

The required outcome could look similar to this:

Low set home with enclosed non-habitable room below the habitable floor. Showing existing and required outcome of reinstating the non-habitable area above the assessed flood level via an extension to the home.

Two-storey demolition and rebuild as extension

The existing habitable floor below the assessed flood level is demolished and rebuilt (above the assessed flood level) as an extension to the existing home. The lower level is not enclosed or converted into a new habitable area.

Two storey demolition extend

Two-storey rebuild and raise

The existing top floor is raised and the existing ground floor is demolished and rebuilt above the assessed flood level. The new lower level is not enclosed or converted into a new habitable area.

Two storey house rebuild raise


The following criteria must be met:

  • there was inundation by floodwaters above the habitable floor level of your home from an eligible 2021-2022 flood event
  • the floor level is below the assessed flood level specified by your local council (where information was available at the time of preparing the Home Assessment Report) or the 2021-2022 flood event level
  • the new home will meet flood resilience guidance and all relevant building code, regulation and planning scheme requirements
  • building plans and a detailed quote or scope of works to build a new home (or relocate a removed house) above the assessed flood level and 2021-2022 flood event level (the fund will not cover demolition to create a vacant block of land)
  • for habitable floors, evidence will need to be provided to show that the room/floor can be classified as habitable according to building codes and standards. For example, rooms with floor to ceiling height of less than 2.4m will not be considered eligible as they are not considered suitable habitable areas
  • all other eligibility criteria to apply are satisfied.

Funding available

There are two funding options to demolish and rebuild/relocate your home or a part of it.

If the habitable area of your home is below the assessed flood level or 2021-2022 flood event level, you can apply for up to $150,000 to demolish and rebuild your home or a habitable area of your home. Co-contributions are not available. Homeowners, or their insurer, will need to pay any costs over $150,000.

If a non-habitable area of your home is below the assessed flood level or 2021-2022 flood event level, you can apply for up to $50,000 to demolish and move the non-habitable area above both the assessed flood level and 2021-2022 flood event level. Co-contributions are not available. Homeowners, or their insurer, will need to pay any costs over $50,000.

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