Information for contractors

The Strata Resilience Program assists eligible bodies corporate in coastal parts of Central and Northern Queensland improve the resilience of their strata properties against cyclones.

In previous years, similar programs have supported many jobs and businesses in regional Queensland.

How the program works

The Strata Resilience Program enables eligible bodies corporate to apply for a grant to engage a QBCC-licensed contractor to carry out eligible approved works to improve their property’s cyclone resilience.

Bodies corporate that have previously participated in the North Queensland Strata Title Inspection Program nominate the eligible resilience strategies identified in their Inspection Program Report that they wish to undertake.

They submit quotes for eligible resilience strategies as one single quote to cover all work to be funded by the grant. A qualified assessor then visits the property to assess whether the work will improve the cyclone resilience.

Eligible resilience strategies

Specific improvement options available to bodies corporate under the program include:

Each improvement type must meet specific certification requirements to be eligible for program funding. Read the relevant factsheet for the required evidence.


Standard QBCC-approved contracts are required for all works. Some examples include:


Before works can start, you must show the body corporate evidence of their QBCC Home Warranty Insurance policy, covering the full value of the quote or more (where applicable).


After completing the works, and before we make any payments, you must provide this documentation to the body corporate:

  • form 15 – for design compliance or statement of compliance provided by engineer or supplier of proprietary products (e.g. cyclone shutters)
  • form 43 – for the installation of proprietary items
  • form 21 – for certification of structural works
  • copy of the contractor's invoice:
    • addressed to the body corporate (full name)
    • referencing the Strata Resilience Program application number
    • itemising and quantifying the works completed.

You must also provide evidence of QBCC Home Warranty Insurance, covering the full value of the quote or more (where applicable), before the work starts.

The body corporate’s nominated person submits all these documents to the grant portal for our assessment.

Payment of grant funds

We may pay grant funds in up to 3 progress payments in line with the building contract. The program’s progress payments will be the final payments after the body corporate pays its contributions in full.

The building contract should state the progress payments in line with the body corporate contributions and grant contributions. While not mandatory, this can speed up payments. Read about how program funding works, including process payments.

After a program assessor conducts an on-site, post-works inspection and confirms that works comply with the approved grant and contractual payment schedule, we pay the grant funding directly to the contractor.

Contact us about any changes to the scope of work, your ABN, banking details or company name to keep your vendor details current.


Get more information about the Strata Resilience Program: