Abbreviations and symbols

Lease tenure reference

Abbreviation Meaning
​AF  ​Agricultural Farm
​APF  ​Auction Purchase Freehold
​APL  ​Auction Perpetual Lease
​CML  ​Coal Mining Lease
​DL  ​Development Lease
​FL  ​Freeholding Lease
​GA  ​Garden Area
​GF  ​Grazing Farm
​GH  ​Grazing Homestead
​GHFL  ​Grazing Homestead Freeholding Lease
​GHPL  ​Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease
​IL  ​Informal Lease
​LR  ​La / Reserve Lease
​MGA  ​Market Garden Area
​MHL  ​Miners Homestead Lease
​MHPL  ​Miners Homestead Perpetual Lease
​ML  ​Mineral Lease
​MTFL  ​Mining Tenure Freeholding Lease
​NCL  ​Non Competitive Lease
​NCLC  ​Non Competitive Lease Conversion
​OL  ​Occupational Licence
​OP  ​Occupation Permit
​PCL  ​Perpetual Country Lease
​PDH  ​Pastoral Development Holding
​PETL  ​Petroleum Lease
​PH  ​Pastoral holding
​PL  ​Purchase Lease
​PLS  ​Perpetual Lease Selection
​PO  ​Permit to Occupy
​PPDS  ​Prickly Pear Development Selection
​PPH  ​Preferential Pastoral Holding
​PPL  ​Lease in Perpetuity
​PPS  ​Prickly Pear Selection
​PSL  ​Perpetual Suburban Lease
​PTL  ​Perpetual Town Lease
​RA  ​Residence Area
​RL  ​Road Licence
​SCML  ​Special Coal Mining Licence
​SFL  ​Settlement Farm Lease
​SGP  ​Stock Grazing Permit
​SH  ​Stud Holding
​SHFL  ​State Housing Freehold Lease
​SHPL  ​State Housing Perpetual Lease
​SHPTL  ​State Housing Perpetual Town Lease
​SL  ​Special Lease
​SLPF  ​Special Lease Purchase Freehold
​SML  ​Special mining Lease
​SP  ​Special Purpose
​SPMPL  ​Special Perpetual Mining Purposes Lease
​TL  ​Lease for a Term of Years
​WHPL  ​Workers Home Perpetual Lease
​WHPTL  ​Workers Home Perpetual Town Lease

In this guide:

  1. Database names
  2. Tenure
  3. Features
  4. Valuations
  5. Lease tenure reference
  6. Survey control
  7. Survey control report content
  8. Historical descriptions
  9. Government land register

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