Swapping your property

You can apply for approval to swap your public housing property with other public housing tenants. This is called a mutual exchange.

The department must approve the swap before anyone can move homes.

Eligibility to swap properties

We will consider mutual exchanges when:

  • the properties are not in high demand due to their features and location
  • approving the mutual exchange will not have an unreasonable impact on other customers waiting for social housing.

To swap your property with another tenant, all tenants from both homes need to:

  • remain eligible for ongoing housing assistance
  • have a reasonable need to move and be able to supply evidence to support their reason for moving
  • be eligible for the number of bedrooms at the property
  • have looked after their property properly, as outlined in the State tenancy agreement
  • agree and sign a declaration to accept the property in its current condition
  • have been a continuous tenant for the last 2 years.

Applying to swap properties

When you know tenants you would like to exchange properties with, all tenants should inspect each other’s homes to make sure they meet everyone’s needs.

If you agree to exchange properties, each household must:

What happens next

We assess each tenant’s application to check whether you’re eligible to swap homes. We also arrange a time to inspect your current property.

If we approve your application, you need to sign a new State tenancy agreement for the property you’re moving into. If we don’t approve your application, you can’t move into the other home. If you have a need to move, we will talk to you about applying for a transfer.

We regularly review your eligibility for housing to see if your circumstances have changed.

Read more about ongoing eligibility reviews.