Help for people experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence

This information is for people living in public housing experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence.

Our priority is keeping you and your family safe. If you are unsafe due to violence or are worried that the violence will affect your tenancy, please contact your nearest Housing Service Centre.

There are protections to help people experiencing domestic and family violence:

  • You can change the locks at your public housing property without our consent, or ask us to do this on your behalf.
  • You can vacate your public housing property immediately.
  • You won't be responsible for the following costs:
    • property damage caused by domestic and family violence
    • goods left behind at the public housing property.

If you need immediate help to access and maintain safe housing, talk to your nearest Housing Service Centre about our Flexible Assistance Package.

We can source cost-effective, essential goods and services, such as:

  • removalists to relocate your belongings to a safe property
  • basic furniture, fridge, or washing machine, if you have left things behind when you fled.

If appropriate, we will also work with other support services to ensure you and your children are safe.

For help with domestic and family violence, please call:

If you have recently experienced sexual assault, rape or sexual violence:

Useful resources