Employment and training programs search

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Find jobs and training support programs

Find the right government program to help you access free assistance while you are looking for work, changing your career or gaining additional skills.

Employment programs, for aboriginal peoples and torres strait islander peoples

Showing 1 to 15 of 35 programs

Aboriginal Employment Strategy

The Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES) is a recruitment company supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples into careers.

  • I want to find jobs in my area
  • I need career and job mentoring and coaching
  • I'm looking for pre-employment programs

Apprentice and trainee job search

New and existing apprentices and trainees can use Apprenticeship Central's free platform to create a profile and apply for positions.

  • I want to apply for apprenticeships and traineeships in my area
  • I want to create a profile for employers to find me
  • I want to be notified of vacancies in my area


Apprentices are trained in a skilled trade (e.g. electrical, plumbing, cabinet-making, automotive) and, upon successful completion, become a qualified tradesperson. Apprenticeships generally take up to 4 years to complete.

  • I want to kick-start my career
  • I am interested in becoming a tradesperson
  • I want to study and learn on the job

Apprentice Connect Australia Providers

Local Apprentice Connect Australia Providers assist and support apprentices, trainees and employers from pre-commencement to completion.

  • I want to start an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • I need career guidance
  • I want a career, not just a job

Australian Indigenous Health Info Net

The Australian Indigenous Health Info Net lists jobs across Australia that are related to Indigenous health.

  • I want to find roles in the healthcare sector
  • I want to find graduate positions in the healthcare sector
  • I'm looking for jobs in the Indigenous health sector

Australian Public Service Commission - Indigenous Careers

The Australian Public Service Commission recruit Indigenous staff for more than 40 Australian government areas.

  • I want to apply for graduate positions within the Australian Government
  • I have received, at a minimum, an undergraduate degree at an Australian university

Community Development Program

If you live in a remote area of Australia, the Community Development Program (CDP) can help you improve your workplace skills and employability. The support you receive is tailored to the workforce needs of your area and helps contribute to your community.

  • I live in a remote area
  • I need tailored support to build workplace skills
  • I want to contribute to my community

Community Foundation Skills program

Community Foundation Skills, part of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, assists Queenslanders with low level language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to participate successfully in a modern knowledge economy.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 15 years or over
  • I am long-term unemployed, and experience significant barriers to learning and employment
  • I am ineligible for Australian Government employment services, or remain unemployed after accessing these services

Encouraging entrepreneurship and self-employment

Support for individuals to start a business is available through 4 key measures: Entrepreneurship Facilitators, SelfStart Online Hub, the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) and workshops providing young people with a taste of self-employment.

  • I am interested in starting my own business
  • I would like some free consulting to help me get started
  • I would like to participate in workshops giving me a taste of what's involved in self-employment and starting a business

Indigenous Apprenticeship Program

The Indigenous Apprenticeship Program (IAP) offers successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants a full-time, entry-level job with an Australian Government department. During the 12-month program, the apprentice will complete a Certificate IV or Diploma of Government.

  • I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • I want to start a career in government
  • I want a career, not just a job

Indigenous Business Australia

Indigenous Business Australia employs more than 200 people from different cultural backgrounds. They are focused on creating financial independence for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

  • I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • I want to make a difference in the lives of people in my community

Indigenous careers with CSIRO

CSIRO offers a wide range of employment and training opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including traineeships, cadetships, graduate programs, and scholarships.

  • I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • I want a career in science and research

Indigenous cadetships in child safety

The Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services offers cadetships to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. You must be in your final year of study in a degree in social work, social science or welfare.

  • I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • I am a final year student in a Bachelor or Masters in Social Work, Human Services, Social Science or Social Welfare
  • I want experience in my chosen profession

Indigenous Defence Jobs

Defence Jobs provides information about Australian Defence Force (ADF) careers and education opportunities, through various Indigenous career pathways.

  • I am interested in a career in defence
  • I would like some work experience with the Defence Force
  • I want to work with other like-minded individuals

Indigenous Employment Australia

Indigenous Employment Australia can connect you with employers through their online job-seeking service.

  • I want to apply for jobs online
  • I want to submit my resume for consideration