Employment and training programs search

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Find jobs and training support programs

Find the right government program to help you access free assistance while you are looking for work, changing your career or gaining additional skills.

Training programs, for aboriginal peoples and torres strait islander peoples

Showing 1 to 15 of 18 programs


Apprentices are trained in a skilled trade (e.g. electrical, plumbing, cabinet-making, automotive) and, upon successful completion, become a qualified tradesperson. Apprenticeships generally take up to 4 years to complete.

  • I want to kick-start my career
  • I am interested in becoming a tradesperson
  • I want to study and learn on the job

Apprentice Connect Australia Providers

Local Apprentice Connect Australia Providers assist and support apprentices, trainees and employers from pre-commencement to completion.

  • I want to start an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • I need career guidance
  • I want a career, not just a job

Community Foundation Skills program

Community Foundation Skills, part of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, assists Queenslanders with low level language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to participate successfully in a modern knowledge economy.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 15 years or over
  • I am long-term unemployed, and experience significant barriers to learning and employment
  • I am ineligible for Australian Government employment services, or remain unemployed after accessing these services

Employability Skills Training

Employability Skills Training (EST) provides intensive pre-employment training to help develop your job search skills and workplace skills. EST offers 2 different blocks of training, each 75 hours long over 3–5 weeks.

  • I am aged 15 years or over
  • I am participating in an eligible employment service through Workforce Australia, Yarrabah Employment Services or Disability Employment Services
  • I want to improve my workplace skills and explore career options

Encouraging entrepreneurship and self-employment

Support for individuals to start a business is available through 4 key measures: Entrepreneurship Facilitators, SelfStart Online Hub, the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) and workshops providing young people with a taste of self-employment.

  • I am interested in starting my own business
  • I would like some free consulting to help me get started
  • I would like to participate in workshops giving me a taste of what's involved in self-employment and starting a business

Fee Free TAFE

Fee Free TAFE allows eligible Queenslanders to complete recognised training in a priority qualification, through TAFE Queensland and CQUniversity only. This program replaces Free TAFE for under 25s, with an expanded qualification list and eligibility criteria.

  • I want to study in 2023
  • I am 15 years or older, and no longer in school
  • I am not currently enrolled in a qualification (not including foundation skills training)

Higher Level Skills

The Higher Level Skills (HLS) program aims to assist individuals to gain the higher-level skills required to secure employment or career advancement in a priority industry, or to transition to university to further their studies.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 15 years or over
  • I am no longer at school
  • I don't already hold, and am not enrolled in a certificate 4 or higher qualification

Indigenous Apprenticeship Program

The Indigenous Apprenticeship Program (IAP) offers successful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants a full-time, entry-level job with an Australian Government department. During the 12-month program, the apprentice will complete a Certificate IV or Diploma of Government.

  • I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • I want to start a career in government
  • I want a career, not just a job

Indigenous careers with CSIRO

CSIRO offers a wide range of employment and training opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including traineeships, cadetships, graduate programs, and scholarships.

  • I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • I want a career in science and research

Indigenous Youth Mobility Pathways Project

The Indigenous Youth Mobility Pathways Project (IYMP) aims to help young Indigenous Australians with tailored advice and support to relocate for education, work or training and achieve their long-term career goals.

  • I am an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, aged 16-24 years
  • I want to start my future career
  • I'm willing to relocate for my career


Micro-credentials are mini courses offered by TAFE Queensland. These courses help you develop your skills, advance your career progression and are available in a range of areas such as coding, NDIS workforce fundamentals, electrical safety, digital and COVID Safe.

  • I am interested in developing my skills to progress my career
  • I am interested in refreshing my current skills
  • I am interested in short, online courses

My Skills

My Skills provides information on the skills you need, or already have, to get started in the job you want and search for courses with training providers in your local area.

  • I want to find local training courses
  • I want to upskill
  • I want to research different careers

Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Program

The Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (QIYLP) provides an opportunity for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders to develop and strengthen leadership and self-development skills. The program provides participants with essential tools to develop and lead their own community projects and help drive improved outcomes in their communities.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 18-25 years
  • I want to develop my leadership skills
  • I am Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

Skill Up program

Skill Up, part of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, assists adults 25 years or older to upskill or reskill in entry level positions in high priority industries to maximise existing and future job opportunities.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 25 years or over
  • I am long-term unemployed, and experience significant barriers to learning and employment
  • I am ineligible for Australian Government employment services, or remain unemployed after accessing these services

Skilling Queenslanders for Work

Skilling Queenslanders for Work programs provide supported training opportunities to help disadvantaged job seekers gain the skills, qualifications and experience they need to enter and stay in the workforce. These programs are run by community-based organisations.

  • I am a Queensland resident, aged at least 15 years or over (and meet any other age requirements of an individual program)
  • I am long-term unemployed, and experience significant barriers to learning and employment
  • I am ineligible for Australian Government employment services, or remain unemployed after accessing these services