Employment and training programs search

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Find jobs and training support programs

Find the right government program to help you access free assistance while you are looking for work, changing your career or gaining additional skills.

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Showing 1 to 15 of 74 programs

Aboriginal Employment Strategy

The Aboriginal Employment Strategy (AES) is a recruitment company supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples into careers.

  • I want to find jobs in my area
  • I need career and job mentoring and coaching
  • I'm looking for pre-employment programs

Apprentice and trainee job search

New and existing apprentices and trainees can use Apprenticeship Central's free platform to create a profile and apply for positions.

  • I want to apply for apprenticeships and traineeships in my area
  • I want to create a profile for employers to find me
  • I want to be notified of vacancies in my area


Apprentices are trained in a skilled trade (e.g. electrical, plumbing, cabinet-making, automotive) and, upon successful completion, become a qualified tradesperson. Apprenticeships generally take up to 4 years to complete.

  • I want to kick-start my career
  • I am interested in becoming a tradesperson
  • I want to study and learn on the job

Apprentice Connect Australia Providers

Local Apprentice Connect Australia Providers assist and support apprentices, trainees and employers from pre-commencement to completion.

  • I want to start an apprenticeship or traineeship
  • I need career guidance
  • I want a career, not just a job

Australian Indigenous Health Info Net

The Australian Indigenous Health Info Net lists jobs across Australia that are related to Indigenous health.

  • I want to find roles in the healthcare sector
  • I want to find graduate positions in the healthcare sector
  • I'm looking for jobs in the Indigenous health sector

Australian Public Service Commission - Indigenous Careers

The Australian Public Service Commission recruit Indigenous staff for more than 40 Australian government areas.

  • I want to apply for graduate positions within the Australian Government
  • I have received, at a minimum, an undergraduate degree at an Australian university

Career Transition Assistance

Career Transition Assistance (CTA) is for people aged 45 years and older who are participating in specific Australian Government programs. CTA increases your job readiness by identifying your transferable skills and better targeting your job search to local industries and available jobs.

  • I am 45 years or older
  • I am interested in changing my career
  • I am currently registered with Workforce Australia or Disability Employment Services

Certificate 3 Guarantee

Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G) supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school certificate III qualification.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 15 years or over and no longer at school
  • I don't already hold, and am not enrolled in, a certificate 3 level or higher qualification
  • I want to increase my skills to gain employment, re-enter the workforce, or advance my career

C3G Plus (Back to Work)

Certificate 3 Guarantee Plus (C3G Plus) provides eligible Queenslanders with a second chance to access subsidised training. C3G Plus is for jobseekers, or workers at risk of unemployment, who already hold a certificate 3 (or higher) qualification but need updated skills to gain, change or retain employment.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 15 years or over
  • I am not eligible for subsidised training under Certificate 3 Guarantee
  • I identify in an eligible group - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; people with disability; long-term unemployed; young people; women; or mature age

Commonwealth Scholarships Program for Young Australians

Young Australians, in eligible regions, can apply for a scholarship of up to $13,000 to undertake eligible qualifications in projected growth industries and in-demand occupations.

  • I am aged 15-24 years
  • I am not working full-time, or in school
  • I want to study a qualification in a growth industry

Community Development Program

If you live in a remote area of Australia, the Community Development Program (CDP) can help you improve your workplace skills and employability. The support you receive is tailored to the workforce needs of your area and helps contribute to your community.

  • I live in a remote area
  • I need tailored support to build workplace skills
  • I want to contribute to my community

Community Foundation Skills program

Community Foundation Skills, part of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, assists Queenslanders with low level language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills to equip them with the knowledge and confidence to participate successfully in a modern knowledge economy.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 15 years or over
  • I am long-term unemployed, and experience significant barriers to learning and employment
  • I am ineligible for Australian Government employment services, or remain unemployed after accessing these services

Community Work Skills program

Community Work Skills, part of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative, offers tailored assistance and integrated learner support to job seekers while they undertake a nationally recognised qualification, up to certificate III level.

  • I am a Queensland resident aged 15 years or over
  • I am long-term unemployed, and experience significant barriers to learning and employment
  • I am ineligible for Australian Government employment services, or remain unemployed after accessing these services

Disability Employment Services

Disability Employment Services (DES) assists eligible participants with disability, injury, or health conditions to find and maintain employment.

  • I have a disability, injury, or health condition
  • I have a valid Employment Services Assessment or Job Capacity Assessment
  • I am not studying full-time

Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support

Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS) is an Australian Government payment available to employers who take on an eligible disabled apprentice or trainee.

  • I have a disability, injury, or health condition
  • I am interested in becoming, or already am, an apprentice or trainee