Information for job seekers

If you are a worker who has recently lost a job or are looking for employment, there is assistance you can access.

This information lists a range of Australian Government, Queensland Government and community services that may help you to get support and employment assistance.

To get help accessing the appropriate service, phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Queensland Government services

View information and links to a range of topics including career advice, finding and applying for jobs, and industry and job statistics.

Apprentices, trainees and their employers

Support is available to apprentices, trainees and their employers, including information on how to continue employment and training.

Read more about apprenticeships and traineeships, or phone 1800 210 210.

Subsidised training and support programs

You may be eligible for Queensland Government subsidised training and skilling programs to gain skills that may help you to find work.

  • Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative – assists disadvantaged Queenslanders to gain qualifications and experience for the workforce at no cost to participants. Read about Skilling Queenslanders for Work programs in your region.
  • Certificate 3 Guarantee – gives eligible Queenslanders the opportunity to complete their first post-school certificate 3 qualification to help get employment or improve their employment status, including access to foundation skills training and lower-level qualifications.
  • Queensland Skills Gateway – search and browse vocational education and training information, including courses available, training providers, and subsidised training and incentives.

Training information

For more information about training in Queensland, how to contact your regional training office or other training enquiries, phone 1300 369 935.

Australian Government services

What's Next website

What's Next is a useful starting point for people who have been, or may be, retrenched or made redundant. It provides a range of resources and links to available support.

Read more about What's Next.

Financial assistance and income support

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for financial assistance through Centrelink. For more information, visit Services Australia or phone 13 28 50.

Centrelink offers a free financial information service (FIS) for unbiased information about redundancy packages and government assistance.

Workforce Australia

Workforce Australia helps you to find jobs, start looking for work, transition to a different industry or find training, support services and other opportunities to build your skills, confidence and experience. Assistance may include face-to-face appointments, resume and job application writing skills and advice on job searching, career options and employment programs.

Employee entitlements

If you lost your job because your employer went bankrupt or into liquidation and you are owed certain employee entitlements, you may be eligible for financial help through the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG).

Learn more about the Fair Entitlements Guarantee, or phone 1300 135 040.

Fair Work Ombudsman

The Fair Work Ombudsman can provide advice about eligibility for redundancy and other payments as determined by legislation.

Visit the Fair Work Ombudsman, or phone 13 13 94.

Fair Work Commission

If you lose your job but believe you have been unfairly dismissed by your employer, visit the Fair Work Commission, or phone 1300 799 675.

Community services and other useful information


  • Lifeline provides a 24-hour confidential telephone counselling service on 13 11 14, or use the Lifeline Service Finder to locate free of low cost health and community services.
  • Beyond Blue provides immediate support for depression and anxiety by phone on 1300 224 636, or you can chat online.

Other government support

The Queensland Government's community support website provides information on community and social issues, and services.

Find out about services available in your region.

Tips for job interviews