Support for someone going through court

Whether you are a victim, a witness, a defendant or a support person, going to court can be a daunting and stressful experience.

However, support and information is available to help you understand the legal system, prepare you for going to court, and to help you recover.

Learn more about going to court and support for victims of crime.

Information about the law

Legal Aid Queensland provides a free legal information service. They can provide information and advice about the legal system and can refer you to more specific legal services should you need it.

Find out more about Legal Aid Queensland’s services or speak to a client information officer on 1300 651 188.

If you need an interpreter during a court process

Whether you are a defendant, victim or witness it is important that you understand what is happening in court and the questions put to you. The court also needs to understand your answers.


If you don’t speak or understand English well, you can ask for an interpreter to help you in court. You should let your lawyer know you need an interpreter as soon as you know you will be going to court. You should not have a family member interpret for you.

If you have a hearing impairment and use sign language, your legal adviser can organise to have an Auslan (or other sign language) interpreter to support you in court.

Modern courthouses may be fitted with audio loops—ask your lawyer to make sure this is available in the courtroom if you need it.

Support for vulnerable witnesses going to court

Vulnerable witnesses—including children, victims of sexual assault and people with an intellectual disability—may be given special help to reduce the trauma of giving evidence in court.


If you are a vulnerable witness you may be able to:

  • use an intermediary to assist you to give your best evidence, if you have communication difficulties
  • have a support person with you in court
  • record your evidence or give it over a video connection from a remote witness room
  • have a screen put up so you don’t have to see the accused person
  • have the court closed to the public and media.

If you feel you need special help to give evidence, speak to the prosecutor and they can apply to the court for you. The magistrate or judge will decide if you can have help.

Read more about the Queensland Intermediary Scheme.

Support for witnesses or victims of crime going to court

The court process can be daunting for a witness or victim, particularly if you witness or experience a violence crime. Information, support and advice are available to help you throughout the legal process. The following services provide information, support and advice to help you move through a court process.


When you go to court as a witness or a victim of crime in Queensland, you can get help and advice from PACT. PACT provides trauma-informed specialised support for victims of crime interacting with the criminal justice system, and for those who provide evidence in court.

PACT support volunteers can:

  • provide support and information about going to court
  • be with you to provide support on your day in court
  • explain how the courts and legal systems operate (in person or by telephone)
  • show you around the court beforehand, so you can become familiar with where you have to go on the day of your court case
  • provide you with a safe place in court
  • refer you to other community services that can help you.

Find out more about PACT.

If you are a victim of crime, you may be asked to attend court as a witness for the prosecution. You will be able to provide vital evidence about what happened.

If the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) decides to prosecute the offender, the ODPP will appoint a victim liaison officer to help you throughout the court process. They will:

  • keep you informed of when the case will go to court
  • let you know if you need to be a witness
  • arrange for you to discuss what will happen in court
  • organise a support person
  • help you write a victim impact statement
  • refer you to specialist support and counselling services.

Victim Assist Queensland (VAQ) provides financial assistance to people impacted by violent crime in Queensland, including:

  • victims
  • witnesses
  • parent secondary victims
  • close relatives of victims who die due to violence.

VAQ may be able to provide:

Learn more about getting financial assistance from VAQ and support for victims going to court.

Support for defendants going to court

You can access the following support options if you are a defendant going to court.


Through their Court Support Program, the Centacare Prisoners Services provides information, support and advice for defendants going through Magistrates Courts. They can also provide support in District and Magistrates Court on request.

Find out more about how Centacare Prisoners Services can help.

If you are going to court as a defendant in Brisbane, Townsville or Cairns, you can get help and advice from Court Network—a voluntary service providing support, non-legal information and referral for people going to court.

Learn more about the Court Network or call the Queensland office on 1800 267 671 for advice.