Pay your SPER debt by instalments

If you can't afford to pay your whole debt with the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) immediately, you may be able to pay by regular instalments.

How to apply


The quickest way to apply is online. You'll need your client number (or party ID).

Pay by instalments

If your application is approved, we can automatically deduct payments from your bank account, debit/credit card or eligible Centrelink payment. If you're eligible, we will approve your plan on the spot.

Some Centrelink payments are not eligible for an instalment plan:

  • ABSTUDY, excluding basic living allowance
  • Carer allowance
  • Disaster recovery allowance
  • Mobility allowance.

You need to be receiving a different Centrelink payment to apply for an instalment plan.

If we identify any other unpaid fines or orders in your name, these will also be included in your payment plan to avoid enforcement action being taken against you.

This payment plan is set up directly with SPER. It is different to a voluntary instalment plan, which is set up with the agency that issued the fine.

Prevent enforcement action

Paying online is the quickest way to stop or prevent enforcement action. If we've suspended your driver licence, we'll lift our suspension once you've set up your payment plan. It usually only takes about 5 minutes for our suspension to be lifted.

Manage your payment plan online

You can manage your payment plan by tracking your payments and editing your plan details online. You can also make up a missed payment and tell us if you need extra time to make a payment.

If you can't pay online

You can also apply for a payment plan by:

If you have any questions about instalment plans, you can contact us.

How much and when to pay

We will determine the instalment amount and frequency of payments based on how much you owe. In some circumstances, we may need to consider factors such as your income and expenses.

If you can't or don't pay

You should understand all your obligations under our payment terms and conditions to avoid enforcement action and additional fees.

It is important that you keep your promise to us.

If you are having trouble making the payments on your plan, you can reschedule your payments online or by phoning us at least 1 day before payment is due to discuss your options.

If you miss a payment, your plan will be cancelled and we may not agree to another. You will also be open to enforcement action.

Voluntary instalment plans for unpaid fines

If you have been given an infringement notice that you can't pay straight away, you can enter into a voluntary instalment plan with the agency that issued the fine (e.g. the Department of Transport and Main Roads) before the fine is referred to us.

You can enter into a voluntary instalment plan if:

  • your fine is at least $200


  • the due date of the fine has not passed.

To set up a voluntary instalment plan, you can:

  • contact the agency that issued the infringement notice


  • complete and sign that section on your infringement notice, and post to the agency. You will need to include an initial payment of $60.

Once the initial payment has been received, the issuing agency will register the outstanding debt with us and we will manage it.

We will send you a voluntary instalment payment notice and a payment schedule to follow until the fine has been paid.

If you do not follow the payment schedule, we will cancel your voluntary instalment plan and you will need to pay in full.

Paying voluntary instalments

Once the voluntary instalment plan is set up, and the agency registers the plan with us, we will manage the payments.

You can set up automatic payments from your credit card or bank account, or use another payment option.

If you enter into a voluntary instalment plan with the issuing agency before an enforcement order is issued by SPER, a registration fee will not apply to that debt.

However, if you miss a payment we will send an enforcement order, which will include the registration fee.