Search of adjudicators' orders

Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997.

  • Search fees are:
    • $20.65 if the information is given to the applicant in person and collected (after 1-2 working days) from:
      Body Corporate and Community Management
      Level 4
      154 Melbourne Street
      South Brisbane QLD 4101
    • $24.05 if the information is
      • posted to the applicant (4-5 working days not including Australia Post delivery times) or
      • emailed (after 1-2 working days).
  • Search fees are exempt from GST.
  • Our fees and charges usually increase on 1 July each year. On 1 July 2024, our fees and charges were indexed by 0% in line with the government’s indexation policy. This means they have not changed and will be the same as they were in 2023-24. You can contact us to find out about specific fees, charges or prices.
  • Scheme details may be specified in the 'Property Address' section of your contract of sale.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the information supplied on this form is complete, accurate and current.
  • Results of the search are based on data-matching the information the applicant provided. It is essential that you provide the full and correct property description.
  • This search does not include any current or resolved conciliation applications lodged in this Office.
  1. Section 1—Scheme details
    1. Plan type * Can be found on your contract documents or you can contact Titles Queensland on (07) 3497 3479 or 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

  2. Section 2—Search of order details
    1. I will *
  3. Section 3—Applicant details
    1. Name
    2. Postal address
  4. Payment type * How will you pay?