Fees for accessing body corporate records

Body corporate records are not private or confidential, but the body corporate may charge you fees to access them.

The information on this page only applies if your body corporate has a community titles scheme (CTS) number and CMS registered with Titles Queensland. This means it falls under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (the BCCM Act).

This applies to most bodies corporate, but there are other Acts that apply to some bodies corporate instead.

To find out which Act and regulation your body corporate is registered under, contact Titles Queensland. If you don’t have a CMS registered, the scanned survey plan may tell you which Act applies to your body corporate.

Learn more about the different legislation that applies to bodies corporate.

To learn more about which information applies to your body corporate, you can ask a body corporate question or phone our information service on 1800 060 119.

If your body corporate does not have a CMS recorded, learn about the fees to access body corporate records in that case.

Accessing records

Section 205 of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 allows interested persons to see and get copies of body corporate records.

Fees are charged as set by the Act.

The body corporate cannot charge any other costs for giving you the information (e.g. a charge for the body corporate manager’s time).

You must write to the body corporate and ask for documents or an inspection and pay the correct fee. Once you have done this, the body corporate has 7 days to give you copies of the document or allow you to see them.

A committee member is entitled to ‘reasonable access’ to body corporate records without having to pay a fee.

See access to records for more information.


These fees apply for bodies corporate registered under the:

  • Standard Module
  • Accommodation Module
  • Commercial Module
  • Small Schemes Module.

See fees for the Specified Two-lot Schemes Module.

Read more about regulation modules.

Our fees and charges usually increase on 1 July each year. On 1 July 2024, our fees and charges were indexed by 0% in line with the government’s indexation policy. This means they have not changed and will be the same as they were in 2023-24.

You can contact us to find out details about specific fees, charges or prices.

You do not have to pay GST.

Inspect the records

The cost to inspect the records if you:

  • are a lot owner—$19.35
  • are not a lot owner—$37.20
  • are a lot owner in another body corporate in the same layered scheme—$19.35
  • are a body corporate in the same layered scheme—$19.35
  • are not an owner or body corporate in the same layered scheme—$37.20.

See when you can access a different body corporate's records in the same layered scheme.

The law does not give a time limit on how long you can spend viewing the records.

Copies of records

To get copies of body corporate records, the fee is $0.70 a page.

You do not have to pay the inspection fee if you only want to get copies. So if you ask for copies of specific documents, you only pay a fee of $0.70 per page and not the inspection fee of either $19.35 or $37.20 as well.

Information certificates

You can also ask for a body corporate information certificate. The information certificate sets out how much money has to be paid by a particular lot to the body corporate in its current financial year. This includes any amounts due but not paid.

The fee for an information certificate is $71.75.

There is an extra fee of:

  • $18.55 if you want the information certificate faxed to you
  • $27.00 priority fee if you want the information certificate within 24 hours.

If you do not get the information certificate within 24 hours the priority fee must be refunded.

Disclosure statement

The body corporate is not responsible for preparing disclosure statements. If you ask your body corporate manager to complete a disclosure statement for you, there is no prescribed fee. This means it is their decision how much they charge for that service.

To get the information required for a disclosure statement, you may need to access your body corporate’s records.

Specified Two-lot Schemes

Under the Body Corporate and Community Management (Specified Two-lot Schemes Module) Regulation 2011 the fees for access to records are different to other schemes.

To inspect the records

The fees to inspect body corporate records if you are:

  • a lot owner
    • no fee for a first request to see the records
    • $19.35 for every other request
  • not a lot owner—$37.20.

Copies of records

The fee is $0.70 a page for copies of body corporate records.

You do not have to pay the inspection fee if you only want to get copies. So if you ask for copies of specific documents, you only pay a fee of $0.70 per page and not the inspection fee of either $19.35 or $37.20 as well.

Information certificates

The fee for an information certificate is $71.75.

There is an extra fee of:

  • $18.55 if you want the information certificate faxed to you
  • $27.00 priority fee if you want the information certificate within 24 hours.

If you do not get the information certificate within 24 hours the priority fee must be refunded.