Fees for accessing body corporate records under other Acts

There are set fees for accessing body corporate records from your body corporate.

This page applies to:

Higher-level bodies corporate can be:

  • a community body corporate or precinct body corporate under the MUD Act
  • a principal body corporate or primary thoroughfare body corporate under the IRD Act and SCR Act.

The Acts listed above only apply to bodies corporate that do not have a community management statement (CMS) recorded at Titles Queensland.

If your body corporate has a community titles scheme (CTS) number and a CMS registered, it falls under the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (the BCCM Act).

If you’re not sure, contact Titles Queensland to find out which Act your body corporate is registered under.

Learn more about the Acts affecting some bodies corporate.

If your body corporate does have a CMS recorded, learn about accessing body corporate records and the fees for accessing body corporate records in this case.

Requesting information

Body corporate records are not private or confidential. The Act that applies to your body corporate requires the body corporate to allow certain people to inspect or obtain some records if asked.

Fees are charged under the Act that applies to your body corporate.

If you are entitled to apply for information, you must first write to the body corporate and ask for documents or an inspection. Once you have paid the set fee, the body corporate must supply the information or allow you to inspect the records.

There are timeframes for the body corporate to supply the information in some cases.

Learn more about the process and timeframes.

Fees for subsidiary bodies corporate

These fees apply for bodies corporate registered under the Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 (BUGT Act).

As there are set fees, the body corporate cannot charge any other costs for giving you the information (e.g. a charge for the body corporate manager’s time).

Our fees and charges usually increase on 1 July each year. On 1 July 2024, our fees and charges were indexed by 0% in line with the government’s indexation policy. This means they have not changed and will be the same as they were in 2023-24. You can contact us to find out about specific fees, charges or prices.

You do not have to pay GST.

Inspecting records

The cost to inspect the records if you are:

  • a lot owner or mortgagee, or their agent, is $20.65
  • the purchaser of a lot or their agent is $40.65.

Accessing information

To get the name and address of committee members or the body corporate manager, the fee is $40.65.

To get a copy of the body corporate by-laws, the fee is $0.70 a page.

You can also ask for a certificate stating how much money must be paid to the body corporate by a particular lot in the current financial year. This should include any amounts due but not paid.

The fee for this certificate is either:

  • $81.35
  • $110.30 if urgent and received within 24 hours.

There is an extra fee of $20.65 to have the certificate faxed to you.

Fees for higher-level bodies corporate

Higher-level bodies corporate must set a reasonable fee for the information. These types of bodies corporate could use the fees prescribed for subsidiary body corporates as a guide.

Principal body corporate or primary thoroughfare body corporate

Bodies corporate under the Integrated Resort Development Act 1987 and the Sanctuary Cove Resort Act 1985 may set a fee by committee resolution that must not exceed the reasonable cost of supplying the information.

Community body corporate or precinct body corporate

Bodies corporate under the Mixed Use Development Act 1993 may set a reasonable fee by committee resolution.

Learn more about the process and timeframes.