Thousands in fines for dodgy concreter

A Brisbane concreter has been ordered to pay $9,000 in fines and compensation in the Beenleigh Magistrates Court (14 October 2022) after being charged by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) for failing to provide concreting services to a consumer.

Mr Joshua Molisi who operates P&S Concreting Services, was found guilty of failing to supply services within a reasonable time under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).

Mr Molisi was fined $6,000 and ordered to pay $3,000 in compensation.

The OFT began an investigation after a complaint was received from a consumer who paid Mr Molisi to carry out concreting services at their home.

The court heard that a consumer placed an advertisement seeking services and was provided with a quote from Mr Molisi. The consumer paid $3,000 deposit for the concreting to be completed by 27 January 2022.

On 25 January 2022, Mr Molisi advised he would be late to the property to begin work but failed to show up at all. The consumer tried to contact Mr Molisi but failed to receive a response. The consumer requested a refund, but this request was also left unanswered.

In sentencing, Magistrate Costanzo took into consideration the defendants significant criminal history involving dishonesty, commenting that this type of offending breaches the public’s trust regarding tradesmen and lowers consumer confidence.

Fair Trading Commissioner Victoria Thomson said the OFT will take action if a trader is found to be ripping off consumers.

“Queensland consumers deserve to get the service they have paid for,” Ms Thomson said.

“The court outcome is a good reminder to traders that they must operate lawfully and deliver the products and services their customers have paid for.”

The OFT encourages consumers who have paid for goods or services but have not received them to approach the trader for a refund in the first instance. If they are unsuccessful, they should lodge a complaint online at