Blue cards for young people

If you are a young person who will be working or volunteering with children, you may need a blue card.

When you don’t need a blue card

A person under the age of 18 years does not need a blue card to volunteer with children, however if they intend to continue to volunteer when they turn 18 they may need to apply for a blue card.

A restricted person cannot rely on the ‘volunteer under 18 years’ exemption.

In some cases, school-aged students volunteering with other children won’t need a blue card.

For example:

  • a 17-year-old who volunteers as their year 11 volleyball team coach during lunch breaks doesn’t need a blue card
  • a 13-year-old umpiring or coaching a sports team who receives a small fee like $10 or $20 per game to cover out-of-pocket expenses doesn't need a blue card
  • a 15-year-old school student carrying out work experience within a childcare centre doesn’t need a blue card
  • a 16-year-old volunteer refereeing with different sporting teams—who is not paid but receives money for petrol—doesn’t need a blue card
  • an 18-year-old school student attending school doesn’t need a blue card
  • an 18-year-old school student demonstrating their capability—as part of a Vocational Education Training course to their peers in a school environment—does not need a blue card.

When you do need a blue card

If you are under 18

If you are under 18 you'll need a blue card when you:

  • are paid to work
  • operate a business
  • are a student enrolled in a tertiary course—including certificate courses conducted through a TAFE or university—and need to complete a practical placement.

For example:

  • a 16-year-old student doing a school-based traineeship and a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care will need a blue card under the Education and care services category and will need to apply through their education provider (school, TAFE etc)
  • a 15-year-old who provides babysitting services on the weekends—who is paid for their services—is captured under the Child care services and similar businesses category of regulated business.

Note: Students and trainees should apply for a blue card as soon as possible after enrolling in a course that will require them to hold a blue card to complete a practical placement.

If you are 18 or over

If you are 18 or over and engaged in child-related regulated work as a paid employee or volunteer, you will need a blue card.

For example:

  • an 18-year-old student who is paid to teach the Grade 4 students to dance and sing for their school eisteddfod needs a blue card under the Schools category of regulated employment
  • an 18-year-old student completing an Vocational Education Training course does not require a blue card to be enrolled in the course, however a blue card will be required if any of the activities or services are regulated child-related employment
  • an 18-year-old student who privately tutors the younger students in the school library would need a blue card under the Private teaching, coaching or tutoring category of regulated business
  • an 18-year-old boarding student receiving an allowance to be a Dorm Monitor—which is in addition to being a senior student—needs a blue card under the Schools—Boarding facilities category of employment.

How to apply for a blue card

Learn how to apply for a blue card.

You will need a Customer Reference Number and a photo from the Department of Transport and Main Roads before you can apply.

Volunteers who are under 18 and need a blue card can apply 3 months before they turn 18. If approved, the blue card will be issued on your 18th birthday.

More information