Advisory mediation

If you need to appear before the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) about a minor civil dispute, you might be referred to mediation. This allows you to try to settle your matter instead of the tribunal deciding for you.

A trained mediator helps both parties discuss the dispute and agree on a solution. This process is called advisory mediation because it usually takes about an hour and is conducted by teleconference.

The mediator is impartial, meaning that they do not decide who is right or wrong. Instead, they assist both parties in reaching an agreement.

Benefits of advisory mediation

Advisory mediation lets you and the other party retain ‘ownership’ of the matter to be negotiated.

It can also reduce the time you have to spend at court. Advisory mediation can take as little as an hour.

Generally, 50% of advisory mediations reach agreement. However, if you can't reach agreement, the tribunal will hear your matter.

Matters suitable for advisory mediation

The following matters might be suitable for advisory mediation:

  • unpaid debts
  • dishonoured cheques
  • owed wages
  • disputes about dividing fences
  • disagreements over work done
  • consumer/trader issues
  • property damage from vehicles
  • some tenancy matters.

Arranging advisory mediation

If QCAT refers you to mediation for a minor civil dispute, QCAT will send you a letter with the date and time of your mediation.

Read more about QCAT's mediation process.