Complain about a youth detention centre

If your child is in a youth detention centre, you can make a complaint about:

  • another young person in detention
  • a youth detention staff member
  • any other person
  • something that has or has not happened.

Your child can also make a complaint. So can a friend or another person.

We will take your complaint seriously, and keep it confidential. However, we will need to tell a few people so it can be investigated.

Complaints from parents, carers, friends and other people

As a parent, carer or friend of a child in detention, you can make a complaint by:

  • filling out a complaint form and emailing or posting it to the youth detention centre that your complaint is about
  • phoning the youth detention centre and making your complaint over the phone
  • making your complaint in person at the youth detention centre.

Complaints from young people in detention

If your child is currently in detention and wants to make a complaint, they can:

  • talk to any youth detention staff member
  • ask for a complaint form, fill it out and either
    • give it to a youth detention staff member
    • ask a youth detention staff member to send to the police (if it is about something that might be a criminal offence)
  • phone the Office of the Public Guardian on 1300 653 187 from the phone in their unit
  • leave a message for the community visitor from the Office of the Public Guardian, in the communication box in their unit.

Complaints from young people who have left detention

If your child is no longer in a youth detention centre but wants to make a complaint, they can still:

  • fill out a complaint form and email or post it to the youth detention centre that the complaint is about
  • phone the youth detention centre and make their complaint over the phone
  • make their complaint in person at the youth detention centre.

Contact details for detention centres

Brisbane Youth Detention Centre

Phone: (07) 3021 0777 (Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm)


PO Box 450

Cleveland Youth Detention Centre

Phone: (07) 4421 5222 (Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm)


27–79 Old Common Road

West Moreton Youth Detention Centre

Phone: (07) 3021 0900


PO Box 450

If you're not happy with the outcome

If you are unhappy with how your complaint is dealt with, you can write to:

Senior Executive Director
Youth Justice Operations and Reform
GPO Box 7096

You can also talk to the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman or the Human Rights Commission.

More information