Report a scam
The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) routinely issues public warnings based on information we receive. Scams can be reported a number of different ways, depending on the type of scam and the outcome you are seeking.
Tell us about a scam
If you have spotted a scam and just want to let someone know, you can report it.
Office of Fair Trading
Use the consumer complaint form to report these kinds of scams to OFT:
- travelling traders, who offer bitumen laying, tree lopping and other home maintenance services
- car boot traders, usually offering electronic equipment for sale in public places like car parks
- health and medical scams, like miracle cures for cancer
- pyramid selling schemes
- pricing and advertising scams.
Give as much information as you can, such as:
- location
- date and time
- description of the trader and their vehicle, including the registration number if you know it
- what they said or offered you.
Report these kinds of scams to Scamwatch:
- fake competitions and prizes
- investment or get-rich-quick schemes, like sports betting
- inheritance or financial windfall scams
- up-front payments scams, like false billing or cheque overpayment scams
- dating and romance scams.
The Scamwatch website has more information on these types of scams.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission use the reports made to Scamwatch to monitor marketplace trends and educate consumers about avoiding scams.
Australian Cyber Security Centre
If you are a victim of a cybercrime, report it to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). A cybercrime may include:
- identity theft
- cyber abuse
- online image abuse
- online shopping fraud
- romance fraud
- computer and email hacking
- attacks on computer systems using ransomware or malware
- illegal and prohibited content
- online child sexual abuse material.
They will assess your report and may refer it to the police for investigation.
Read more about how to report and recover from cyber threats.
Other agencies
Report financial investment scams to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
Report tax related scams (e.g. any scam that asks you for your tax file number) to the Australian Taxation Office.
For any other kind of scam, or if you are unsure who to report it to, make a complaint to the Office of Fair Trading.
Personally affected by a scam
If you’ve been personally affected by a scam, either through financial or other loss, you can make an official complaint.
You should also contact your bank and tell them about your situation. They may recommend cancelling and reissuing your credit or bank cards.
Office of Fair Trading
Make an official complaint to the Office of Fair Trading if you have been personally affected by:
- a travelling con man, who has taken payment from you for bitumen laying, tree lopping or other home maintenance services
- a car boot trader, who has sold you items (usually electronic equipment) at a public place like a car park
- an investment or get-rich-quick scheme, like sports betting
- pyramid selling schemes
- an up-front payment scam, like false billing or a cheque overpayment scam
- a dating and romance scam.
Queensland Police Service
Make an official complaint to your local police station if you have been personally affected by:
- email spam and phishing
- identity theft
- cyber bullying
- issues with buying or selling goods online (paid up-front for products that don’t arrive or don’t exist)
- attacks on computer systems
- illegal and prohibited content
- online child sexual abuse material.