Sex work industry decriminalisation

The Queensland Government has undertaken a comprehensive package of amendments to legislation and other material to support the decriminalisation of sex work, to establish a legal framework to support a decriminalised sex work industry while improving the health, safety, rights and legal protections of sex workers.

On 2 May 2024 the Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 (the Amendment Act) was passed by Queensland Parliament and commenced on 2 August 2024.

Legislative amendments

For information on the legislative amendments to establish a legal framework to provide a safe, decriminalised sex work industry in Queensland, visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General website.

Planning framework amendments

For information on the Amendments to the Planning Act 2016 and Planning Regulation 2017 to ensure that sex work businesses are treated the same as any other business in the planning framework, visit the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works website.

Workplace health and safety guidance

For more information on workplace health and safety guidance and resources for sex workers and businesses that provide sex work services, visit the WorkSafe website.

Sexual health

For information on sexual health, where to get tested, where to get free condoms and the facts on sexually transmissible infections, visit the Queensland Health website.

Discrimination complaints

For more information about protections for sex workers under the Anti-Discrimination Act, visit the Queensland Human Rights Commission’s website.

Business Queensland

For more information on starting or running a business, or information on the right local, Queensland and Australian government licences, permits, registrations and approval you may need to operate a business, visit the Business Queensland website.

Brothel licensees and managers

For more information on the abolishment of the Prostitution Licencing Authority and refunds for brothel licensees and approved managers, visit the Department of Justice and Attorney-General website.