QLD Digital Identity login - Terms of Use

1. Introduction

The QLD Digital Identity login (the System) is managed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (the Department), on behalf of the Queensland Government and provides you the ability to log in to Queensland Government Agency online services (Online Services).

These Terms of Use describe your rights and responsibilities as a user of the System.

2. Acceptance of Terms of Use

By using the System, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.

3. Changes to Terms of Use

The department may make changes to the System and these Terms of Use at any time. Your ongoing use of the System constitutes your acceptance of any new Terms of Use. These Terms of Use replace any Terms of Use of the System that you may have previously accepted.

4. Privacy and your personal information

By using the System, you acknowledge and understand the Department’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set out in the Privacy Statement for the System.

5. Your responsibilities

When using the System, it is important to understand your responsibilities.  If you do not comply with these responsibilities, including these Terms of Use, the Department may lock, suspend or terminate your use of the System.

Responsibility and security

You must:

  • not access or seek to access any other person's digital identity via the System
  • not permit any other person to use your digital identity via the System
  • keep all private information relating to your digital identity, such as your username/s and password/s, secure at all times
  • let the Department know immediately if you suspect that the security of your digital identity that you use via the System may have been compromised e.g., your password or username has been lost or stolen. Contact the Department using the details at Contact us.

Lawful purposes

The System must only be used for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of others or restrict or inhibit the use of the System, or Online Services by any third party. This includes refraining from conduct which:

  • is unlawful
  • may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person
  • involves the transmission of obscene or offensive content
  • disrupts Online Services.

You must not post or transmit, via the use of the System, any unlawful, defamatory, obscene, offensive or scandalous material, or any material that constitutes or encourages conduct that would contravene any law.

You must abide by all requirements of the Queensland Government Acceptable Use Policy.

6.  What the Department is responsible for

The Department is responsible for:

  • taking reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information while it is being passed by the System, through to the respective Queensland Government Agency to enable the delivery of your requested online service
  • making sure the links from this site to Agency systems and/or websites are secure
  • handling your personal information in accordance with the privacy principles under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (QLD) (see the privacy statement for more detail).

7. What the Department is not responsible for

This Department is not responsible for:

  • making sure this site is error-free
  • any loss as a result of your use, or your inability to use the System, your chosen Identity and Information Provider or connected Online Services
  • ensuring that the information on an Agency service’s website is accurate, complete, current or does not infringe on the rights of any person
  • the security of your personal information while it is being used or stored by an Agency system – the security of which would fall under the Privacy Statement and Terms of Use of the specific Agency
  • making sure an Agency service updates your personal details on their records.

The Department will not be liable to you or third parties for:

  • your device’s incapacity in using this site
  • interruptions or delays to this site or the Online Services whether beyond the Department’s control or not any loss you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, for any reason
  • any loss arising from your access to or use of the System
  • any loss arising from downloading of any material or part thereof using the System
  • any non-compliance with foreign and local laws if you use this site outside Australia
  • your use of other websites which you may access through this site including in relation to contracting viruses, worms, trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature.

8. Use of Identity and Information Providers

The Terms of Use and privacy obligations in your use of Identity and Information Providers apply separately to these Terms of Use. For information on Terms of Use for our integrated Identity and Information Providers, please use the following links.


Australian Tax Office

All efforts to maintain these links will be undertaken however, from time to time, Identity and Information Providers may change these links, or the content within these links. In the event of these links failing, or if you require more specific information relating to your digital identity with these providers, please contact your Identity and Information Provider directly.

9. General

Other Agency terms

When you log in and use an Online Service, you may be required to accept and comply with separate Terms of Use specific to the Agency providing the online service. The Agency Terms of Use take precedence over these Terms of Use where they relate to the Agency online service being obtained.

Using the System to access Online Services does not:

  • affect or reduce the obligation of any Agency to provide services to you
  • affect or reduce any obligation you owe to any Agency in respect to your receipt of services.

Copyright on this site and in relation to the System is owned by the Queensland Government. For more information, please refer to our copyright statement.

System availability

If the System is not available for any reason, alternative access to Online Services may be available through the relevant Agency's website. You can communicate directly with the relevant Agency in writing, by telephone or in person by visiting one of their customer centres.

Linked websites

The Queensland Government takes all reasonable care in operating the System, but the Agencies are responsible for authenticating you for the purpose of accessing the online services under their control.

The Department accepts no responsibility in respect of the Agency online services.

The Department makes no representation that the material on any linked website does not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any person.

The Department does not authorise or accept responsibility for the reproduction of any material on the System or any linked website.

Please refer to our copyright statement.

Suspension or termination for breach of terms

If you do not comply with these Terms of Use, the Department may decide to lock, suspend or terminate your access to the System.

The Department may also lock, suspend or terminate your access to the System at any time and for any reason.


If any of these Terms of Use are held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the remaining Terms of Use will continue in full force.

Governing law

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws and courts of the State of Queensland, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland.

These Terms of Use

These Terms of Use constitute the whole agreement between the Department and you in relation to your use of the System, and supersedes all prior representations, agreements, statements and understandings, whether verbal or in writing.


None of these Terms of Use will be taken to be waived except by written waiver executed between the Department and yourself.


Within these Terms of Use, the following definitions and interpretations will apply.

'Agency'  means an agency of the Queensland Government that provides online services

'Identity Provider' An Identity Provider is a system that creates, maintains, and manages identity information while providing authentication services to relying applications within a federation or distributed network.

'Loss' means any loss, damage, cost or expense (to any person or property), including loss of profits or revenue, loss or denial of opportunity, loss of use, loss of data, and any indirect, remote, abnormal or unforeseeable loss.