'My fishing' feature in the app

The 'My fishing' feature allows you to record details about your fishing trips:

  • record your trip catch, release and depredation stats
  • save your favourite species, boat ramps and stocked impoundments
  • keep track of species kept and released during your trip
  • share trip stats and photos on social media
  • receive environmental data such as swell, moon phase and air temperature
  • secure login protects your information.

The 'My fishing' feature replaces the 'My fish photo' section.

What you can do

Keep records of your trips

We'll ask you to record:

  • fishing platform (private boat, charter boat or shore)
  • boat launch and retrieval details
  • skipper
  • number of fishers
  • species caught and numbers kept or released
  • depredation (if any fish were taken by predators like sharks).

You can also choose to enter:

  • fishing location (large area only, not your exact location)
  • fishing method
  • comments about your trip
  • photos (up to 3)
  • trip name (or default to the trip date).

If you're fishing with a group on a boat, you can choose to record trip details for the whole boat or just yourself.

List your locations

Recording your fishing location is optional and uses a broad area.

If you do choose to record it, we only ask you to select either:

  • a broad 30 x 30 nautical mile map grid (30 nautical miles is 55.6km)
  • an entire stocked impoundment.

You can select multiple grids if you are fishing a larger area.

You can also select any fish aggregating devices (FADs) you were fishing on your trip.

Easily access your fishing history

  • With weather, wind speed and direction, swell, rain, moon phase, air temperature, air pressure, tide heights and times (where available)
  • Filter and search previous trips
  • Claim your portion of the catch if you recorded for the whole boat

Get detailed fishing stats

  • See the number of fish you caught, kept and released
  • Fish lost to depredation by sharks or other predators
  • Species caught
  • Total trips
  • A map of your fishing locations and how often you have fished there
  • When you caught each species

Share your fishing trip with mates

When you select one of your past fishing trips, you have the option to share a catch summary on social media.

You can choose a photo from your trip to go with it — showcase your catch to your mates!

How we use your recreational catch data

Recording your catch through the 'My fishing' feature is voluntary. By submitting information about your fishing trip, you are helping us collect better recreational catch data to manage Queensland's fish stocks.

Information icons in the app provide an explanation about how each type of data is used to manage our fisheries.

I didn't catch anything

Even if you catch nothing, there is information that you can add about your trip — such as launch and retrieve date/time, retrieve location, fishing location, fishing method, comments and photos.

By adding a retrieve location for boat-based trips and fishing location for shore-based trips, you can still get important tide and weather information for your fishing trip.

A predator or shark took my fish

You can record the number of fish you think were wholly or partially taken by any predatory species, including sharks (this is known as depredation).

This helps us improve our understanding of how often this happens and how to manage it.

I want to keep my fishing location secret

Your secret spot is safe! Recording fishing location is optional and we won't ask you to record particular reefs or fishing spots, so the data can't be used to focus on anyone's favourite fishing location.

The location data is at a broad level (30 x 30 nautical mile grids).

If we receive feedback that you would like to record your locations more precisely, we'll consider this for a future update.

I don't want to lose my favourite fishing spot

The information you submit through the app helps us understand recreational fishing activity, catch rates and depredation trends over time. This information is used to assess the health of fish stocks and guide management decisions.

Occasionally, stock assessments might reveal that a fish stock is declining. In these cases, management changes (such as area closures or reduced possession limits) may be necessary to allow the stock to recover and ensure long-term sustainability. On the other hand, if an assessment indicates an improvement in stock levels, management measures might be adjusted to allow greater catch.

Why we're using the app to record recreational catch

You asked for better recreational catch data and voluntary data collection via an app, and we listened.

Feedback from a recreational catch reporting survey showed a majority preference for the use of a smartphone app over other options, such as an automated phone call system, online form, physical logbook or form, or physical tag.

The Qld Fishing 2.0 app is the only way for fishers to self-record and submit their recreational catch information to Fisheries Queensland.

Fisheries Queensland has successfully been using apps with commercial fishers and fishery monitoring activities for several years. Many other states around Australia have also developed apps for recreational fishers to record their catch.


Information recorded in 'My fishing' user accounts is confidential and cannot be accessed by third parties. The fishing trip information you submit through the app is held in a secure database with controlled access.

The details you submit are anonymous. All we get is the raw catch data — just like the information we collect via our boat ramp surveys. This information is collected and analysed at a broad level (not at a single person level) to protect and respect your privacy.

Read the disclaimer and privacy statement. You can also access this in the side menu of the app under 'About this app'.

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