Healthier clubs and facilities

Sport and recreation clubs and facilities play an important role in building a healthier and more resilient Queensland, attracting thousands of members, players and visitors each year. Senior players, coaches and committees can have an important leadership role in supporting communities to provide food and drinks options that support health and a general wellbeing.

Food for sport guidelines

A better choice: healthy options made easy in sport and recreation is relevant for all Queensland organised sporting activities or facilities that provide or promote food and drinks including:

  • community sport and recreation clubs and associations
  • major Sporting Stadiums
  • sport and recreation centres
  • leisure and aquatic facilities
  • organised outdoor recreational activities or events.

Put guidelines into action

The food and drink targets for sport and recreation can be applied to all food provision and promotion at your club, facility or event. Making changes can take time and it is recommended that:

  • small changes are made over time to break up the work and help them become standard practice
  • changes made are done in consultation with players, spectators, volunteers and staff
  • progress is monitored and changes celebrated.

Green foods and drinks are the best choices because they're packed with important nutrients, and low in bad fats, added sugars, and salt.

Amber foods and drinks have some nutrients but also contain moderate amounts of bad fats, added sugars, or salt.

Red foods and drinks offer little to no nutritional value. They're high in bad fats, added sugars, or salt, and can lead to consuming too many calories.