Prepare your club's budget

All clubs can benefit from preparing an annual budget. A budget can be very simple, based on actual income and expenditure in recent years, as well as known or likely changes for the coming year.

Estimate your income conservatively and your expenditure realistically.

Keeping an eye on your budget is crucial to staying on track. Monitoring actual financial performance against the budget at management committee meetings helps clubs to maintain financial stability. Significant variations between the budget and your actual financial performance can mean a change to the club’s bottom line – and if this is the case, you need to know about it early.

Budgeting resources

The guide to budgets (PDF, 542 KB) helps clubs:

  • set financial targets
  • allocate resources effectively
  • create a successful budgeting process.

Setting fees

The management committee should handle setting membership fees. Use the setting fees guide (PDF, 726.8 KB) to make informed decisions when establishing fees. You should take into account your club’s budget, expenses, and other income sources.

Accurately calculating the costs of providing services to members is crucial. Your fee structure should reflect the inherent value of sports and its community benefits, while also recognizing the contributions of volunteers. Use the sports club fee calculator (XLSX, 113.1 KB) to help ensure that your pricing will keep your club sustainable.

Making money

After setting your fees at the appropriate level, ensure prompt collection. Running a sustainable business becomes challenging when some customers don't pay. Implement effective systems to collect fees on time.

You can explore fundraising activities to make more money and approach fundraising with a business mindset. Be creative when considering the many revenue-generating opportunities you can try.

See the making money guide (PDF, 410.1 KB) for tips and ideas for successful fundraising.


Sponsorship offers significant benefits to clubs, including financial support, resources and increased exposure. But sponsorship in grassroots sports clubs is about more than simply securing donations; it’s about building mutually-beneficial partnerships.

Successful sponsorships involve ensuring you and your sponsors gain value. Clubs receive financial support and discounted products or services, while sponsors can reach more people through club events, boosting sales.

Sponsorship isn't something clubs are entitled to; it's a privilege they earn. Logos on team kits, signs on fences or links on your website are starting points.

The key question should be, 'How can we help our sponsors sell more of their products or services?' Clubs that do this best enjoy long-lasting, fruitful relationships with their sponsors.

See the sponsorship guide (PDF, 1 MB) for tips on creating effective partnerships with businesses.

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Smart budgeting is more than just numbers on a page. It's the foundation of your club's long-term financial game plan.

This video covers the basics of budgeting and diversifying your revenue streams.

If you're on the management committee, a treasurer in the making, or just keen on keeping your club financially healthy, this video is for you.

Remember, the entire management committee is accountable for your club’s financial management – including setting the budget.

Ready to dive in? Think about these questions:

  • How can a well-planned budget benefit your club?
  • What's your strategy for setting membership fees?
  • What ideas do you have to make more money?

Budgeting includes more than just looking at last year's income and expenses. It's about thinking ahead and considering what you'll need and what could change. Be cautious with your income estimates and pragmatic about your likely costs.

You should set aside the time to prepare your budget early.

Decide on your budgeting method - zero-based or based on last year’s performance.

Zero-based budgeting starts from scratch and might work best for a new or rapidly-growing club.

Basing the budget on previous years’ performance is fairly straightforward, as you can benefit from looking at the experience of past financial statements.

And importantly, continue to monitor your budget.

Monitoring your club's financial health isn't a once-a-year check-up. It should be a regular part of every management committee meeting.

When you compare your actual performance with your budget expectations on a regular basis, it enables you to make adjustments and corrections early if necessary, without having to wait until the end of the financial year to see how you performed.

Your membership fees are likely to be your largest regular source of income – so it’s important to set them correctly. Don't just aim to break even—value your sport and honour your volunteers. When you calculate your fees, cover your costs, aim for a reasonable surplus and remember the real worth of the experience your club provides.

Once you’ve set your fees at the right level, make sure that you collect them! Remember if someone isn’t paying their way, they are not a good customer and it’s unfair on other members.

To help collect all of your fees: set clear expectations, make sure that members are aware of payment deadlines, have easy-to-access payment methods and even consider flexible payment options. Clearly communicate this information through your website, social media, registration forms and member information.

Once you’ve collected all of your fees to cover your operating expenses, you can explore other fundraising activities to make more money. Clubs should always approach fundraising with a business mindset. Be creative when considering all the various revenue-generating opportunities you can try.

An example of a potential revenue stream is sponsorship. Scoring sponsorship is like signing a star player—it can give your club that extra edge. But it's not just about taking money. It's about creating value for your sponsors by helping them generate sales, so they experience a solid return on their investment in your club.

Get creative, find ways to boost their business and you’ll build partnerships that last longer than just a season.

Now you've mastered the financial fundamentals, plan your budget, set fees that reflect your club's value, make sure you collect what's due and diversify. Approach every financial decision with a sharp eye for opportunities.

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