Planning for club development and growth

A strategic plan outlines the direction, goals, and impact of your club. Your strategic plan should communicate your club's values and goals, and provide clarity to make decisions for the club that align with the values and goals of the club.

Strategic planning resources

Strategic planning process

The strategic planning flowchart (PDF, 173.9 KB) is a quick guide on the planning process. It shows the process flow through:

  • purpose – Your ‘Why Statement’
  • goals
  • strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)
  • actions
  • implementation and review.

To improve strategic planning, involve club members and stakeholders to foster commitment and ownership. You can involve incoming members and include strategic planning as part of your club’s onboarding process.

The planning process is valuable, offering a chance to plan for the club's future beyond daily tasks. During planning, stay open to new ideas and consider both internal and external factors like technology and societal trends. Be ready to adapt the plan as needed for resilience and preparedness.

Use the strategic planning flowchart (PDF, 173.9 KB) and following worksheets together for effective strategic planning process.

Strategic planning worksheets

The strategic planning process will help you define your club’s purpose and goals, and develop a plan to achieve your needs. You can organize workshops with your committee and involve members to complete the worksheets. Once completed, consolidate the information into your own strategic planning document to share with your members.

Purpose worksheet

Understanding your club’s purpose – the reason it exists – is the first step in the strategic planning process. A strong 'why’ statement helps:

  • guide decision-making
  • drive member engagement
  • focus planning efforts.

A 'why’ statement goes beyond the objectives outlined in your club’s constitution. While these objectives may describe the activities of the club, your ‘why’ statement should speak from the heart. It should capture the essence of your club, tapping into the emotions and passions that draw people to your club and keep them coming back.

The purpose worksheet (DOCX, 473.6 KB) helps define your club’s purpose and develop your ‘why’ statement, mission, vision, and values.

Goals worksheet

Having ambitious goals inspires and motivates your members, as well as laying the groundwork for achieving incredible results.

The goals worksheet (DOCX, 96.7 KB) will help you categorize goals into:

  • doable (immediately achievable)
  • stretch (requiring some additional resources or effort)
  • possible (long-term and ambitious).

This approach will help your club stay focused and motivated as you work towards achieving your goals.


A SWOT analysis examines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and is a common tool in strategic planning.

Use the SWOT analysis worksheet (DOCX, 104.3 KB) to outline the steps to build on your strengths, address your weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats.

Remember to be honest about your club’s strengths and weaknesses. Often, people are too humble when listing strengths and too critical when listing weaknesses. Strive for a balanced assessment accurately reflects your club’s current situation.

Action plan

In action planning, you list what you will do to achieve goals, seize opportunities, build on strengths, and address weaknesses and threats. It's crucial to consider funding and other resources during this process.

Setting a timeframe and assigning a leader to each task helps ensure logical distribution of tasks and prevents one person from taking on all major responsibilities.

Use the action plan worksheet (DOCX, 471.1 KB) to document your goals, actions, priorities, assigned roles, and budget.

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This video is a guide to navigating the future of your club - with a Strategic Plan.

A club strategic plan is all about big-picture thinking. It can be a concise, inspirational document that motivates your club’s leaders to all pull in the same direction.

It’s where you define your club’s purpose, how you’d like to see the club in the future, the outcomes you’d like to achieve, and the steps you’ll take to reach your goals.

An important part of your role in the leadership team is to guide your club’s direction. This video will help you develop your strategic plan.

Before we get started, consider these questions:

  • Do you know why your club exists?
  • In what direction do you want your club to move in the coming years?
  • What decisions will drive your club closer to your vision of the future?

It’s easy to get caught up in your club’s day-to-day operations and lose sight of the bigger picture - where the club is heading.

Because the strategic plan defines your club’s goals and the actions you’ll take to achieve them, it’s a great tool for keeping you on track.

It’s also a great way to communicate the club’s mission (another word for purpose), vision (what you want the club to look like in the future), values (the guiding principles that shape the behaviour and culture of the club) and goals, to everyone involved – from the committee to volunteers and members; from peak bodies to prospective sponsors.

Strategic planning serves as a filter, helping the committee decide which opportunities align with the club's priorities, and directing the club towards achieving its objectives.

The most effective plans are the ones you check in on regularly. Review your goals to align your decisions, check on the progress of your actions, and if needed, adjust your plan when circumstances change.

Regardless of how you create your strategic plan, the document should be clear and concise. Keep it simple, because a simple plan is easy to put into action. A long and wordy plan is less likely to even be read.

Ready to start planning for your club's future? Here are some steps to get your strategic plan off the ground:


Define the core 'why' of your club – the mission, vision and values that set the tone for every initiative.

Your ‘why’ is more than just running your sport. It’s about how you contribute to your community and the lives of your members.


Think about what you want to achieve and write down your goals. It’s okay to dream big. Encourage your members to share their ideas, brainstorm solutions and imagine the future of your club together.


Conduct a SWOT analysis to reinforce your strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities and mitigate potential threats.

Be honest when compiling your SWOT analysis and keep it simple. Focus on what is top-of-mind, and true.


Outline the specific actions that will drive your club toward its goals.

Be realistic about your budget and consider the priorities of your actions.

Review and Implement

Regularly revisit and adjust your strategy to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Involve as many perspectives as possible in your planning process. The collective input will strengthen the plan and foster a sense of shared ownership and commitment to the club’s future.

This could involve workshops with the management committee, asking for input via your social media channels and engaging one-on-one with members for their ideas on training nights or game days.

As you plan, be open to new ideas and innovative approaches. Take into account the evolving landscape of sports, community needs and broader demographic shifts. Be prepared to adapt and evolve – the most resilient clubs are those that can anticipate and respond to change.

With a robust strategic plan, your club can confidently move into the future, equipped with a clear action plan and the flexibility to adapt as circumstances change. It's the groundwork for building a club that's both successful today, and for the years to come.

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