Grant Registration Portal - FAQ's

How do I register my organisation in the GRP?

A desktop computer or laptop is required to register in the GRP. The GRP does not currently support mobile and tablet devices.

An organisation’s 'Primary Contact' is responsible for registering in the Portal. The Primary Contact is the person authorised to act on the organisation’s behalf including maintaining data in the GRP and inviting Secondary Contacts (other users who may access the portal on behalf of your organisation).

An organisation’s ‘Head Contact’ is also required for registration. The ‘Head Contact’ may be the ‘Primary Contact’ however must be the most senior person within your organisation. This may be the President/CEO or alternatively the Chairperson, General Manager, Commodore, Director, Mayor or Principal.

New online grant applications will be automatically pre-populated with the applicable organisational information from the GRP, so it is important the information is accurate.

What Information do I need to register my organisation in the GRP?

The GRP requires the following mandatory information in fields for registration to be successful.

  • ABN or ACN. You can search the ABR website to find your ABN or ACN number. You can also look this up when you are registering in the GRP.
  • GST registration status. The ABR website will also indicate whether your organisation is registered for GST.
  • Date of GST registration. If registered for GST, the date your organisation registered for GST will be indicated on the ABR website. Ensure you record the date of GST registration, not the date your organisation registered with the ABR.
  • A unique organisational email address such as ‘’. Read about organisational email addresses.
  • Consideration of Secondary Contacts who may need access to the portal on behalf of your organisation such as the secretary or a grant writer. Read about secondary contacts.
  • Exact physical address of organisation (taken from rates notice) for geocoding purposes.

You can search the Association Register to find your IA number. This number must be entered including all letters and numbers without spaces (e.g. IA12345). You can also look this up when registering in the GRP.

The department values the integrity and accuracy of information contained in the GRP. Your organisation’s registration cannot be validated by the department if it contains inaccurate or incomplete data. Unvalidated registrations will result in delays to payments.


  • To complete the registration process enter your organisation details.
  • You can look up the incorporation number using the find it button.
  • You can look up the ABN search to identify the ABN number for your organisation.
  • The GST status is available on the ABN page.
  • You can identify the ACN or Trading As details located on the ABN page. If these are not visible you are not registered.
  • Complete the rest of the details including the month of Annual General Meeting.
  • The website and email will listed on the Sport and Recreation Services website for public disclosure.
  • Input the physical address where the organisation is located. Click the 'validate' button to validate this address.
  • If the mailing address is the same as the physical address simply copy these details, otherwise enter the mailing address for your organisation.
  • If you are associated with a State or National Organisation click 'Yes' and identify that body. You can also name the Regional Sporting body if you are associated with one.
  • To complete the organisation registration click 'Next'.

Primary Contact

  • Enter the details of the Primary Contact who should be the Accountable officer for the organisation.
  • Enter and password that you can remember and use when you log in to your account.
  • If the Primary Contact is the most senior person within your organisation you can provide their details as the ‘Head Contact’ by selecting ‘yes’. If they are not, you will need to enter their details in the section provided.
  • Once you have agreed to the Terms and Conditions you can finalise the registration.
  • You will receive an activation email in your email account. Once you have activated, you can log in to your account.

There are two ways to register:

  1. Complete the self-registration form in the Portal at Organisation Grant Registration Portal.
  2. Contact your local sport and recreation regional office.

What happens after I have registered?

After completing the registration form, the Primary Contact will receive an email at the nominated email address to activate the account. Activation allows the primary contact to invite secondary contacts (such as other committee members and grant writers) into the GRP.

What happens to my current projects/records?

Existing projects in Enquire will be consolidated automatically. This may take up to 10 business days following verification of your registration by the department.

You will need to add project managers or other members of your organisation who need access to the Portal on behalf of your organisation as secondary contacts following activation of your registration for them to access the GRP.

What should I use as my organisational email address?

An email address can only be used once when registering an account in the GRP.

If a personal email address is used as part of registration of an organisation (either as an organisational email or Primary Contact), that email cannot be used to register in the GRP for personal funding applications or for other organisations the individual may be a committee member for.

For organisations, we highly recommend using generic email addresses for the organisational contact and Primary Contact when registering in the GRP:

What is a Primary Contact?

An organisation’s 'Primary Contact' is responsible for registering in the Portal. The Primary Contact is the person authorised to act on the organisation’s behalf including maintaining data in the GRP and inviting Secondary Contacts (other users who may access the portal on behalf of your organisation).

We recommend one of these following positions as the Primary Contact:

  • For clubs:
    • the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Chief Executive or equivalent.
  • For State Sporting Organisations:
    • the person who has day to day contact with Sport and Recreation about funding. This might not be the Chief Executive Officer or President (who can be entered as “Head Contact” to receive important correspondence) but should be someone with sufficient authority to make decisions on behalf of the organisation.
  • For Local Government Agencies:
    • the person who is responsible for applying and acquitting State Government Sport and Recreation funding. This might not be the Chief Executive Officer or Mayor (who can be entered as “Head Contact” to receive important correspondence) but should be someone with sufficient authority to make decisions on behalf of the LGA.

What is a Head Contact?

The Head Contact must be the most senior person within your organisation such as the President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairperson or Principal. This person would have the authority to execute grant contracts/sign legal documents on your organisation’s behalf. The Head Contact may be the Primary Contact.

What is a Secondary Contact?

A Secondary Contact is a person invited into the GRP by a primary contact who may access the portal on behalf of the organisation.

A Secondary Contact can view organisational data in the GRP, but cannot edit or change the information.

A Secondary Contact can apply and submit grant applications on behalf of the organisation and view existing and historical applications and projects in the system (following the automated data consolidation process).

Can my organisation have multiple Secondary Contacts?

Yes. There is no limit to the number of Secondary Contacts an organisation may invite to access to the Portal on its behalf.

How do I invite a Secondary Contact?

Only a Primary Contact can invite a Secondary Contact to access the GRP on behalf of the organisation. This can be another club member, or committee member, or a Grant writer. To invite a Secondary Contact, click the ‘Invite a Secondary Contact’ button. Enter their details at this screen and  click ‘invite’. They will receive an invitation email.

Information for grant writers and organisations that use grant writers

Grant writers can only be added as a secondary contact in the GRP. We recommend grant writers contact their clients and request to be invited into the GRP as a secondary contact on behalf of the organisation.

Each sporting club/organisation that you work with will need to be aware of your preferred contact email so they can invite you as a secondary contact for their organisation.

If you are a grant writer for multiple organisations, please ensure you have a unique email address for each organisation. If you are invited as a secondary contact using an email address that is already in the system, it will identify a duplicate entry and prevent access to the system.

With this in mind, grant writers are strongly encouraged to work with sporting clubs/organisations to create unique email addresses as required, such as .

How do I manage my account?

Watch the video below for instructions on updating details and organisation contacts. To manage your organisation account or update your organisation details, log in to the Portal.

  • To manage your Organisation Account, login at the login screen
  • The available rounds will be visible when you login. You can start an application by clicking the ‘View’ button
  • To manage or update your organisation details click ‘My Contacts’
  • You can update your own details by double clicking on your name. Click ‘Edit’ to update details, click ‘Change email’ to change your email address, Click ‘Change Password’ to change your password.
  • To return to the organisation management screen click ‘My Contacts’
  • You can update your organisation details by double clicking and clicking ‘Edit Details’
  • Click ‘Save’ or ‘Cancel’ at the bottom
  • If you would like to invite a Secondary Contact click the ‘Invite a Secondary Contact’ button. This can be another club member, or committee member, or a Grant writer. Enter their details at this screen. Your organisation can invite this member by clicking ‘invite’. They will receive an invitation email.
  • You can update this persons details by double clicking. You can edit their details, reset their password, or deactivate their account
  • If you are no longer the accountable officer or primary contact for the organisation you can replace yourself by clicking the ‘Replace Primary Contact’ button
  • You can replace with either a registered Secondary Contact – clicking the ‘Replace Primary Contact’ button or you replace by inviting a new user. Once you complete these details and click ‘invite’ they will receive an activation email.
  • To identify all the applications your organisation has submitted click ’My Organisation Applications’. This screen will list all applications completed by the Primary or Secondary Contact.
  • To identify the applications complete by the user logged in click ‘My Applications’
  • This completes how to manage your organisation details.

How do I reset my password?

If you have an ‘Enquire’ account for your organisation but have forgotten the login details (username and password):

  1. Select the ‘Forgot your password?’ link under the log in area of Enquire.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account and select ‘Continue’.
  3. An email will be sent to your email address with your user ID and temporary password. You will be prompted to change this password the next time you log in.

How does my organisation update its registered Primary Contact details?

Only a registered Primary Contact can update their details in the GRP. Information on how to update Primary Contact details is available under ‘Managing your account’. If your registered Primary Contact is no longer a part of the organisation in any capacity, you will need to complete and submit a manual registration form (PDF, 184KB).