Notify us about your medical condition

You can use this service to notify us about your medical condition.

Notify us about your medical condition

Your medical certificate

After your medical assessment, your health professional will complete a medical certificate for motor vehicle driver form (F3712) providing us with a recommendation regarding your medical fitness to drive.

Your health professional may also make a recommendation on your medical certificate about any conditions and restrictions to do with your driver licence.

You must present your completed medical certificate by any of the following:

Your medical certificate expiry date

The expiry date of your medical certificate will depend on:

  • your specific medical condition
  • AND how often your condition needs to be monitored by your health professional
  • OR if you are 75 years or older.

How your driver licence may be affected

Your medical condition and your health professional’s recommendation regarding your medical fitness to drive will determine how your driver licence may be affected. Your health professional will recommend that:

  • you meet the medical criteria for an unconditional licence
  • OR you meet the medical criteria for a conditional licence
  • OR you do not meet the medical criteria for a licence.

Unconditional licence

If you meet the medical criteria for an unconditional licence, you won't have an M (medical) condition recorded on your driver licence and you will have no conditions or restrictions associated to your driver licence. If you are 75 years or older, you will be required to carry a current medical certificate whenever you drive.

Conditional licence

If you meet the medical criteria for a conditional licence your licence will have an M (medical) condition recorded on it.

You may also have conditions or restrictions that you must drive in accordance with and you will be required to carry a current medical certificate whenever you drive.

You must produce your medical certificate to a police officer if you are asked to do so.

Not medically fit to drive

If you do not meet the medical criteria for a driver licence it is not safe for you to drive and you must surrender your driver licence to us.

If your licence is current or expired within the last 2 years, you can use it as evidence of identity to apply for a photo identification card before you surrender it.

We will withdraw your authority to drive in Queensland if you are driving on an interstate or overseas licence and at least 1 of these apply:

  • you notify us of a medical condition affecting your ability to drive
  • your health professional assesses you as not medically fit to drive.

Voluntary surrender of your driver licence

If you voluntarily surrender your licence to us or it is cancelled because of a medical condition, you may be eligible to receive a free photo identification card as an alternative form of photo identity. For more information enquire at a transport and motoring customer service centre or call 13 23 80.

It is an offence to drive while your licence is suspended or cancelled. Such an offence carries a maximum fine in excess of $9,600 or you may be jailed for up to 18 months.

Medical condition notification from a family member, friend or the general public

A person’s medical condition may not necessarily affect their ability to drive safely, but if you are concerned, we suggest that you talk to the person and encourage them to visit their health professional.

If you think the person will not visit their health professional, or that they won’t comply with their health professional’s advice or recommended treatment, you may notify us about the person’s medical condition.

Your notification must provide as much information as possible, such as the person’s name, address, date of birth and if known, their driver licence number. You must also include evidence to support your claim that the person has a permanent, or long-term medical condition that is likely to affect their ability to drive safely. You can notify us by:
Post: Department of Transport and Main Roads
Medical Condition Reporting Unit
Locked Bag 2000 Red Hill