Queensland's Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy

On 16 March 2022, the Queensland Government released Queensland's Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy 2022–2032 and the first Zero Emission Vehicle Action Plan 2022–2024.

We plan to accelerate Queensland toward a cleaner, greener transport future while making sure our energy network supports the transition to zero emission vehicles.

The 10-year strategy reaffirms our commitment to support Queensland's shift to zero net emissions by 2050 through the following targets:

  • 50% of new passenger vehicle sales to be zero emission by 2030, moving to 100% by 2036
  • 100% of eligible Queensland Government fleet passenger vehicles to be zero emission by 2026
  • every new TransLink funded bus added to the fleet to be a zero emission bus from 2025 in South East Queensland and from 2025–2030 across regional Queensland.

On our journey towards these targets, Queenslanders will benefit from:

  • improved air quality
  • quieter neighbourhoods and streets
  • increased skills and development opportunities
  • improved health for our community and the broader environment.

The Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy 2022–2032 is a whole of Queensland Government strategy developed in partnership between the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Department of Energy and Public Works. The strategy aligns with the Queensland Transport Strategy supporting strategic outcomes for:

  • accessible, convenient transport
  • efficient reliable and productive transport for people and goods
  • sustainable, resilient, and liveable communities.

Across 2021, extensive engagement with community, industry, interest groups and local and state government informed the strategy. This included 4,600 Queenslanders who contributed to the public survey, nearly 200 written submissions and direct engagement with over 100 key stakeholders and experts in targeted workshops.

How we will transition to zero emission journeys

The Zero Emission Vehicle Action Plan 2022–2024 details the key initiatives and actions that continue to shift Queenslanders to zero emission vehicles while enjoying the benefits of an integrated energy and transport system. This includes a focus on alternative fuels, new and emerging technologies as well as zero emission technologies, and vehicle modes.

It sets out initiatives we will progress between 2022 and 2024 to increase zero emission vehicle uptake across Queensland households, communities, businesses, and government fleets.

Replacing internal combustion engine vehicles with zero emission vehicles reduces greenhouse gas emissions, improves urban air quality, and health, while supporting industry and the energy sector to create more sustainable jobs across growing sectors, such as the renewables industry.

Action plan key initiatives

E-Mobility Rebate Scheme

We are making e-mobility devices more affordable by reducing upfront costs for Queenslanders.

The Queensland Government has committed $1 million to the E-Mobility Rebate Scheme to provide Queensland residents with rebates to reduce the upfront cost of purchasing a new eligible e-bicycle or e-scooter. The scheme seeks to reduce transport emissions and promote the safer usage of e-mobility devices by encouraging the uptake of high-quality e-bicycles and e-scooters for active transport.

It is expected that the scheme will be popular and funding will be exhausted quickly. Rebate funding is not guaranteed. Completed applications will be assessed in order of receipt.

Eligible Queenslanders can access rebates of up to:

  • $500 per eligible e-bicycle (including cargo e-bicycles); or
  • $200 per eligible e-scooter.

If used safely and in compliance with the rules e-scooters and e-bicycles offer significant environmental and social advantages by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, easing traffic congestion, promoting health, and improving the accessibility of transportation.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for a rebate under the scheme, you must:

  • purchase your eligible e-bicycle or e-scooter in full (including through buy now, pay later services) on or after 23 September 2024
  • purchase your eligible e-bicycle or e-scooter either in person at a retail store or online from an eligible business (a retail business located in Queensland or an Australian online business—sole-trader, partnership, private or public company, trust or incorporated not for profit organisation—operating under an active Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be a person aged 18 years or over
  • be a Queensland resident. This may be evidenced by a valid Queensland driver’s licence, or another form of evidence to prove residency in Queensland.

Eligible devices

To be eligible, an e-scooter must:

  • be designed for use by 1 person
  • have 1 wheel at the front and 1 or 2 wheels at the back; or 1 or 2 wheels at the front and 1 wheel at the back
  • be propelled by an electric motor that is not capable of operating when the device is going faster than 25km/h
  • be steered by handlebars
  • have a footboard supported by the wheels
  • be no more than:
    • 1,250mm in length
    • 700mm in width
    • 1,350mm in height
    • 60kg in mass, when not carrying a person or other load.

To be eligible, an e-bicycle must:

  • be a power-assisted bicycle, that is:
    • fitted with one or more electric auxiliary motor/s with a maximum power output, or combined maximum power output of not more than 200 watts, and
    • not capable of travelling faster than:
      • 6km/h when propelled only by the electric motor/s (no pedalling), or
      • 25km/h while the motor/s are providing assistance (speeds in excess of 25km/h are only permitted under pedal power only), and
      • not be fitted with an internal combustion engine; or
  • be an electrically power-assisted cycle (EPAC) with a maximum continuous rated power of 250 watt, of which the output is:
    • progressively reduced as the cycle's travel speed increases above 6km/h, and
    • cut off, when:
      • the cycle reaches a speed of 25km/h; or
      • the cyclist not pedalling and the travel speed exceeds 6km/h.

Evidence and documentation

Individual rebate applications must be submitted to QRIDA for each device being claimed and accompanied by:

  • identification documents, such as driver licence, proof of age card, digital licence, passport
  • evidence of current residential address (e.g. if this is not included on your identification documents, a utility or electricity bill, bank statement, electoral enrolment document, signed rent or lease agreement, contract of sale)
  • evidence of purchase, such as tax invoice(s) or official receipt displaying the retailer's ABN, final payment and the date of purchase. Where evidence of payment does not state final payment and/or date of purchase, a payment record (such as credit or debit card statement) matching the evidence of purchase and clearly attributable to the eligible e-scooter or e-bicycle
  • device information to support device eligibility (including evidence of a regulatory compliance mark, and evidence of a battery management system) i.e. product specifications, product brochure from the manufacturer
  • any additional information or documents stated in the application form
  • acknowledgement of the details on best-practice for safe use and charging of the device
  • acknowledgement of the safety requirements and Queensland Road Rules for riding e-bicycles and e-scooters.

We encourage applicants to review the eligibility requirements prior to purchase and have all information and documents required before applying for your rebate to ensure a smooth process to secure your rebate.

Purchase rebate

We made new zero emission vehicles more affordable by reducing upfront costs for Queenslanders.

The Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Rebate Scheme has completed

The Zero Emission Vehicle Rebate Scheme provided a rebate to reduce the upfront costs of purchasing a new, full battery, light passenger, or light commercial Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV).

The scheme was an initiative within Queensland's Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy 2022-2032 and Action Plan 2022-2024.

The scheme opened on July 2022 and ran until 2 September 2024, when the $45 million in Queensland Government funding was exhausted.

Over 11,000 rebate applications were received and the final number of rebates provided will be published after all applications have been processed.

  • The scheme initially provided $3,000 rebates to businesses and households earning up to $180,000 annually.
  • On 1 July 2023:
    • the rebate increased to a total of $6,000 for eligible households, with a $3,000 top-up for those households who already received the initial $3,000 funding. Funding for businesses remained at $3,000
    • the eligibility threshold for purchase price (dutiable value) increased from $58,000 to $68,000 (including GST)

In the 2 years it ran, the scheme:

  • boosted EV uptake in Queensland. EV car registration increased by over 5 times, from 9,100 to 46,000
  • accelerated the transition to EVs. The Queensland car fleet comprised of 0.2% EV and increased to 1%
  • supported the EV supply market. Car manufacturers nearly doubled the number of EV car models available to Queenslanders
  • advanced progress towards achieving the ZEV Strategy target of 50% new passenger vehicles sales to be zero emission by 2030. In the year ending June 2024, zero emission vehicles (including light commercial vehicles and SUVs), made up 8.5% of new passenger vehicle sales in Queensland, up from 1.7% two years earlier.

There are currently no plans to extend the scheme or provide a new round of funding and late applications cannot be accepted. The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) administered the Scheme and updated the Scheme webpage regularly to indicate the amount of funding remaining.

The Queensland Government continues to support electric vehicle (EV) drivers by ensuring low vehicle registration fees and duties and investing in public fast EV charging infrastructure.

  • Discounted vehicle registration duty: $2 per $100 up to a value of $100,000 for battery EVs, compared to $4 per $100 for 4-cylinder vehicles.
  • Discounted vehicle registration fees: $283.50 per year (excluding compulsory third-party insurance and traffic improvement fee) for battery EVs, compared to $360.60 per year for 4-cylinder vehicles.
  • EV charging infrastructure support:

Public charging infrastructure

We are providing more public electric vehicle fast-charging options to ensure Queenslanders and tourists can charge in more locations across Queensland.

A $10 million co-fund will support more public charging options, in partnership with third party providers.

QFleet transition to zero emission vehicles

We will replace all eligible government fleet vehicles with electric vehicles as current leases expire and when a suitable alternative is available and appropriate for business needs.

How we measure success

We will measure the effectiveness of our strategy and actions through improved data sharing, customer surveys and measuring outcomes from each of the priority areas.

We will build on our initial investment over time with clear targets set to support Queensland’s shift to zero emissions transport options, including:

  • 50% of new light vehicle sales to be zero emissions by 2030, moving to 100% by 2036
  • 100% of QFleet light passenger vehicles to be zero emission by 2026
  • every new TransLink-funded bus will be zero emissions from 2025 in South-East Queensland and from 2025-2030 across regional Queensland.

Electric vehicle snapshot

The electric vehicle snapshot provides an overview of measurable zero emission vehicle statistics. It includes the registration of zero emission vehicles in Queensland suburbs, market share of different models and Queensland Electric Super Highway use.

Figures presented in the snapshots are from registration and sales data collected by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Queensland Electric Super Highway figures are extracted via Chargefox ­– the charge point operator for Queensland Electric Super Highway network.

The Future is Electric Strategy

The Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy builds on The Future is Electric: Queensland’s Electric Vehicle Strategy – a strategy to begin Queensland's shift to a cleaner, greener electric vehicle fleet which was launched in 2017.

The Queensland Electric Super Highway was a key action and delivered a network of 31 fast charging stations connecting electric vehicles from Coolangatta to Port Douglas and from Brisbane to Toowoomba. Since The Future is Electric, we have continued to develop the Queensland Electric Super Highway. Phase 3 of the Queensland Electric Super Highway will build on the number of fast-charging locations across a number of rural and regional routes. Once completed Phase 3 will contribute to a Queensland Electric Super Highway network of more than 54 locations across the state.

Read The Future is Electric: Queensland’s Electric Vehicle Strategy.