Electric bicycles (e-bikes)

Electric bicycles, also known as e-bikes, are creating more opportunities for more Queenslanders to experience the joy of bike riding and get around more sustainably than using a car. They make riding easier no matter your ability or location.

What is an electric bicycle (e-bike)?

An e-bike is a type of vehicle that has the same basic features as a regular push bike, but has an electric motor that can be used to assist the rider when pedalling. There are specific rules and requirements for e-bikes in Queensland. Read more about e-bike rules and riding an e-bike in Queensland.

E-bikes make riding easier

As fun as riding is, Queensland’s climate, hilly terrain and distance can sometimes put the brakes on even our best intentions to get outdoors for some exercise or to ride to work instead of taking the car.

But, these things don’t need to get between you and your next ride!

With an e-bike, you can enjoy a riding experience that’s more comfortable and fun than ever, all while boosting your physical fitness and mental wellbeing.

Hilly terrain and heat

Using the assistance of the motor while riding, e-bikes boost your pedal power and help you maintain speed, ride uphill and against the wind with ease. You’ll also reach your destination fresh and without feeling as hot and sweaty as you might with a regular bike.


Long rides are no problem, with e-bikes allowing you to ride further with less effort. You could generally expect to ride about 40 to 80km on a single charge, but the exact range will depend on several factors including battery size, your weight, the terrain, and how much assistance you use. Many e-bikes also come with the option to upgrade to a higher capacity battery.

Low levels of fitness or limited physical ability

With the motor’s assistance, pedalling uphill and going on longer journeys is a breeze and will help you reach your destination without feeling exhausted.

Taking off is easy, as they help you accelerate faster from a standstill than a regular bike. Some e-bikes may come equipped with ‘start assist’ technology that allows the motor to operate without you pedalling up to a speed of 6km/h, to help you get going and stay stable when you first take off.

Adaptive e-bikes (such as e-bikes propelled by hand pedals, recumbent e-bikes and three-wheeled e-trikes), provide accessible options for people with disability, stability or mobility concerns.

Transporting children or goods

E-bikes are available in various models with various features to meet people's different needs. This includes cargo e-bikes for carrying goods, kids, pets and shopping, and e-mountain bikes for trail riding. E-bikes can be fitted with different accessories to suit your needs. This includes child seats, and compartments, baskets and panniers to carry bags, boxes or other items.

E-bikes are good for you and good for the environment

Even though e-bikes make riding easier in a lot of ways, you’ll still reap many of the same personal benefits that come with riding a regular bicycle. These include:

  • improved physical fitness and mental wellbeing
  • a convenient and efficient form of transport
  • the fun, freedom and adventure that comes with exploring your community by bike.

Your hip pocket and our planet will benefit too.

When compared to internal combustion engine vehicles and electric vehicles, e-bikes are a more affordable and environmentally friendly way to get around. This means e-bikes can often be a better option and a viable alternative to owning a car or a second car, particularly for people on low incomes and those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Even if you do have a car, it's easy to replace car trips with an e-bike. You’ll not only avoid fuel costs and traffic congestion, you’ll be helping reduce congestion, emissions and parking pressures too.

Helpful resources

If you’re considering an e-bike, there are some important factors to think about to ensure you get an e-bike that meets your current and long-term needs. These include how and where you plan to use the e-bike, your budget, battery capacity, battery life range, accessories and servicing requirements.

Your local bike shop is a great place to speak with someone about your needs and find out more about different e-bike makes and models.

You can also learn more about purchasing, using and maintaining an e-bike via these Bicycle Queensland resources:

E-bike safety

Most e-bikes use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. When used correctly, lithium-ion batteries are safe. But if used incorrectly, they can be dangerous.

Visit the Queensland Fire Department website to learn about the risks associated with lithium-ion batteries and safe operating, charging and disposal practices. More tips are also available at on the Electrical Safety website.

Remember, when riding an e-bike you have rights and responsibilities like all road users. This includes always wearing a helmet and ensuring your e-bike has all the legally required equipment to keep you and others safe, including a working brake, reflector, and a bell or other warning device.

Learn more about road rules and safety for bicycle and e-bike riders.

Get started

With Queensland’s network of bikeways and paths growing every day, e-bikes are set to continue to grow in popularity as a healthy, environmentally friendly, comfortable, exciting and affordable way for Queenslanders to travel from A to B and experience the joy of bike riding.

If you’re still not convinced an e-bike is for you, some Queensland bicycle and e-mobility retailers offer free or low-cost short-term e-bike borrowing.

Trialling an e-bike for a few days can be a great way to find out how it could fit into—and even transform—your daily life!