Notification of a driver offence

We want you to continue the conversation about safe driving and road safety.

We now email you a Driver Offence Notification when someone else commits an offence in your vehicle and is stopped at the roadside by police or a transport inspector.

On this page:

About driver offence notifications

A Driver Offence Notification is only sent for offences committed in Queensland registered vehicles. These notifications are sent to you by email as a courtesy to raise greater awareness of unsafe driving behaviours of people who use your vehicle.

When you receive a Driver Offence Notification, it will let you know the following:

  • the name of the person who committed the offence
  • what the offence was
  • time, date, and location of the offence
  • description of the vehicle.

You are not responsible for any fines or demerit points associated with the offence and no action in relation to the offence is required from you.

When a notification is sent

The email is sent to the registered operator we have recorded against the vehicle on our database.

If you have already provided an email address to us, you will receive a notification when a fine is finalised because a person committed an offence and was fined using your vehicle. Finalised means either paid, referred to the State Penalties Enforcement Registry, or a contested fine is decided by a court.

If a vehicle is jointly registered, the notification will be sent to the person we have listed first on our database. Notifications are only sent electronically to an email and can't be sent to a mailing address.

Types of offences that send a Driver Offence Notification

Offences detected roadside that result in a fine being handed to a driver on-the-spot, or being sent by MMS or email, may result in a notification. These type of fines include:

  • speeding
  • illegal mobile phone use
  • illegal U-turns
  • failing to wear a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet
  • failing to give way or stop at intersections (with or without traffic lights)
  • failing to indicate.

Offences detected roadside by Transport Inspectors where a person must go to court will also send a notification. Common offences include:

  • heavy vehicle fatigue related offences
  • heavy vehicle excess mass, dimension and loading offences.

Types of offences that don't send a Driver Offence Notification

Offences like unlicensed driving, drink or drug driving or dangerous driving, where a person must go to court will not be notified at this time.

Parking fines issued by local councils won't send notifications.

How to register your email to receive notifications

You can register your email with us to get driver offence notifications. You can do this by logging in to My account. Once registered, if you decide you no longer want to get notifications you can opt out at any time.

You can add or change the email address that notifications get sent to.

How to stop receiving notifications

If you decide you no longer want to get notifications you can opt out by updating your driver offence notifications preference online.

Help with notifications

If the vehicle description is incorrect

If the vehicle description in the notification is incorrect and doesn’t match the registration details, contact the Queensland Police Service for further investigation.

If the vehicle is no longer registered to you

If you have received a notification for a vehicle that you had sold or disposed of at the time of the offence, please ensure that the registration transfer has been completed (or that the registration has been cancelled, as needed).

Please note: There can be a delay in notifications being sent, as they are only issued once a fine is finalised.

Resources to help start a road safety conversation

Everyone has a role to play to ensure safety on our roads. Being responsible for a vehicle means that you can choose who you hand the keys to. We know it can be tough to talk to drivers about their unsafe driving behaviours. To help you start these conversations information about the road rules, including a road rules refresher test is available.

More tips, tools and useful resources, including help for parents who have young drivers is available at StreetSmarts.

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