About the program

The Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (QIYLP) is a leadership and professional development program for young Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland, aged 18–25 years old.

QIYLP is more than just the seven-day residential component and includes both pre and post program support. This includes the opportunity to apply for funding for professional development or to implement a community change project following the program.

The seven-day in person component of the program is held in Brisbane (Meanjin) and all travel, meals, and accommodation is provided for the successful applicants and mentors attending.

Since 2004, over 720 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have taken part in the program, with many returning in later years as mentors, lead mentors and program facilitators.

QIYLP provides an opportunity for participants to grow and strengthen leadership skills and capabilities, while supporting participants to deliver positive change in their communities.

View larger image a person speaking in parliament Enlarge image
“I returned to my community feeling ready and confident to effect real change, and not just talk about it, but do it” – 2023 program participant.

QIYLP 2024

This year, QIYLP will be held from 23 to 29 November.

Applications for QIYLP are open now until Friday 13 September 2024. Don’t miss this chance to shape your future and make a difference!

What to expect at QIYLP

QIYLP offers participants a platform to develop their leadership skills, providing them with the right tools to lead and contribute to projects within their communities. This program aims to empower young people to make a difference in their communities and become a leader for positive change.

Key program activities include:

  • Leadership workshops — facilitated by First Nations community leaders and content experts.
  • Mentoring and networking opportunities — participants can network with high-profile politicians, elders, community leaders, and representatives of the Queensland Government.
  • Career development opportunities — providing participants with links to employment opportunities, alumni development program, and access to ongoing mentoring and training.
  • Post-program funding opportunities — post-program grants are available to participants to financially support their ongoing personal and professional development and/or the delivery of projects that drive real change in local communities. Guidance on how to write a community project proposal or grant is provided as part of the workshop content.
  • Eric Deeral Indigenous Youth Parliament — one-day event delivered by Queensland Parliamentary Services, providing young people with an opportunity to improve their understanding of Queensland government parliamentary processes.

“Since QIYLP I have gained full time employment and have been shortlisted for multiple large prize scholarships.”​​​​– Participant of the 2023 program.

View larger image QILYP participants, mentors and distinguished guests gather in sunny daylight outside several tall city office buildings. Enlarge image
Program participants, mentors, Aunty Maroochy Barambah an Aboriginal Elder from Brisbane, and Semara Jose the QIYLP Facilitator and Alumni of the program at the Official Opening for QIYLP on 18 September 2023

More information

If you have any questions, please contact the Program Co-Ordinator by email at QIYLP@des.qld.gov.au.