Pathways on the journey of life

Life is a journey, and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to navigating its early stages.

The Young Queenslanders Strategy recognises a young person’s right to choose the pathways they take in life.

Whether you remember internet dialup and the fear of picking up a landline while someone was browsing the web, or you arrived with a smartphone in your hand – each generation forms a distinct perspective and cultural identity influenced by the historical events and societal changes that mark their lives.

Every young person represents a unique set of perspectives, talents, and aspirations that contribute to the richness and diversity of our shared social tapestry in Queensland.

This strategy will accelerate us towards a Queensland where young people are empowered to build ‘identity capital’[i] – a valuable collection of personal assets and resources people amass as they navigate life and construct their identity. These assets range from education, skills, experiences, achievements, to social connection and will support them on their individual journey to connect and contribute to their communities.

Building on the foundational principles, the strategy provides a framework to respond to the themes that we heard during consultation, and the hopes and aspirations of young Queenslanders. Through the delivery of adaptable programs and services, we will support and guide young Queenslanders on their pathways to:

  • Participate in the world around them through exploration and positive influence.
  • Cultivate their futures supported by access to tailored opportunities that nurture their unique needs and interests.
  • Live their best lives empowered and equipped with the information, resources and support they need to get there.
  • Thrive in our communities knowing they are connected, celebrated and resilient.

Underpinned by our foundational principles, this framework encompasses key themes identified by young people. It serves as a map for our collaborative actions and will incorporate new themes identified by young people throughout the life of the strategy, to drive change.

[i] James E. Côté (2002) The Role of Identity Capital in the Transition to Adulthood: The Individualization Thesis Examined, Journal of Youth Studies, 5:2, 117-134, DOI: 10.1080/13676260220134403

Pathways visual

The diagram below points to each of the pathways: "participate", "cultivate their futures", "live their best lives", and "thrive in our communities". The words "Empowered Young Queenslanders" in the middle indicates that empowered young people may walk down any of these pathways as they go through life.

Pathways diagram