Mission design and purpose


The mission of the Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (QIYLP) is to equip young Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland with the skills needed to become strong and thoughtful leaders within their communities and throughout the state. By empowering these young leaders, the program enhances their opportunities to contribute significantly to Queensland’s economic, civic, and cultural life.

QIYLP aims to empower young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, aged 18-25, to strengthen their leadership skills, build personal confidence, and drive positive change in their local communities through participation in training, mentoring, and projects.

Positive feedback from QIYLP 2023 participants includes:

  • 93% said the program had a positive impact on their leadership skills
  • 93% said the program had a positive impact on their future economic and social success
  • 100% said they believe the program has had a positive impact on their personal cultural success
  • 93% said the program improved their ability to network, partner and collaborate to drive community change.


QIYLP is a leadership program designed for and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, grounded in culturally informed and community-centric content. In early 2023, a comprehensive external evaluation was conducted to enhance the program and ensure it meets contemporary needs. The evaluation focused on seven domains of inquiry:

  1. Student outcomes
  2. Other program outcomes
  3. Program content and delivery
  4. Access and awareness
  5. Candidate selection
  6. Governance and accountability
  7. Funding.

Following the evaluation’s recommendations, the program content and delivery were revised through a co-design process involving young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (QIYLP Alumni) and an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisation that facilitated discussions with Elders and community leaders.

The ongoing employed engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander facilitators, many of whom are QIYLP Alumni, underscores our commitment to culturally appropriate program delivery, ensuring a rich and authentic learning experience. The active participation of Elders and community leaders nurtures young leaders through attentive listening, encouragement, and mentorship, providing safety and community support that strengthen QIYLP as a trusted platform for the advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples leadership for young Queenslanders.


QIYLP aims to develop the leadership skills and potential of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by facilitating their engagement with various leadership opportunities at local, state, national, and international levels to address community issues, rally for change, and mobilise their peers. This includes involvement in community project scoping and delivery to empower them and amplify their voices within their communities. By fostering a culture of active community contribution, QIYLP empowers young people to become catalysts for positive social transformation.

QIYLP also seeks to increase the participation of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in governance and democratic engagement processes to address systemic barriers and foster inclusivity. By building an expanding network of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders, the program provides a platform for consultation with government and stakeholders, ensuring diverse perspectives contribute to decision-making processes. These efforts contribute to the broader advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the meaningful participation of young people in Queensland’s civic, economic, and cultural life.

The Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Strategy

The Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Strategy (QIYLS) was established in 2004 and is a framework designed to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland by providing them with the skills and confidence to become strong, thoughtful leaders in their communities and across the state. The strategy aims to enhance the opportunities available to young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland so that they can contribute meaningfully to economic, civic, and cultural life.

QIYLP is the main deliverable of the QIYLS which allows successful participants to engage in the residential component of the program, receive related training and mentoring, and have the opportunity to develop and lead small community projects that drive positive change in their communities.